Preparing to back up or restore Db2 Warehouse

Before you can run the db2 backup or db2 restore commands, you need to identify the Db2 Warehouse catalog node and data nodes of the database deployment.


  1. To identify the Db2 Warehouse containers, run the following command on any node in your cluster:
    kubectl get pods -n ${PROJECT_CPD_INSTANCE} | grep db2u

    This command returns a list of one or more nodes for the Db2 Warehouse database configuration. A symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) configuration has only one physical node. A massively parallel processing (MPP) configuration has a container on each physical node in the deployment.

    A sample SMP configuration:
    db2wh-1556786589-db2u-0                            1/1     Running     0          3h54m
    A sample MPP configuration with three physical nodes:
    db2wh-1557883508-db2u-0                            1/1     Running     0          3h26m
    db2wh-1557883508-db2u-1                            1/1     Running     0          3h26m
    db2wh-1557883508-db2u-2                            1/1     Running     0          3h26m
  2. To identify which container node is the Db2 Warehouse catalog node:
    For a single node configuration, the catalog node is always the same as physical node.

    For a configuration with two or more nodes, you need to identify which physical node is the catalog node by reading the db2nodes.cfg file.

    1. Open a shell to any container node:
      kubectl exec -it -n ${PROJECT_CPD_INSTANCE} db2wh-container-name -- bash
      Replace db2wh-container-name with the node name of any of the containers found the previous step.
    2. Read the db2nodes.cfg file on the container node:
      cat ~db2inst1/sqllib/db2nodes.cfg
      Here is a sample db2nodes.cfg file that shows six multiple logical nodes (MLN) over three physical nodes:
      0    db2wh-1557883508-db2u-0    0
      1    db2wh-1557883508-db2u-1    1
      2    db2wh-1557883508-db2u-2    2
      3    db2wh-1557883508-db2u-0    0
      4    db2wh-1557883508-db2u-1    1
      5    db2wh-1557883508-db2u-2    2
      The first node that is listed is the catalog node. In this example, db2wh-1557883508-db2u-0 is the catalog node.
  3. Exit that bash shell and open a new shell to the catalog node.
    kubectl exec -it -n ${PROJECT_CPD_INSTANCE} db2wh-catalog-name bash

    Replace db2wh-catalog-name with the name of the catalog node that you found in the previous step.

What to do next

After you open a bash shell on the catalog node, you can proceed with backing up or restoring.