Restoring custom property values on assets (Watson Knowledge Catalog)

You can restore your values on assets after deleting custom properties or groups.

When you delete a custom property, its values are deleted from all assets that have this property. When you remove a group, its properties and their values from all assets of the asset type are deleted. This group is still in the system and you can still add it to the same or other asset type. When you delete a group, its properties an their values from all assets of the asset type are deleted too. You can't add it to any asset type.

Required permissions

You must have the following user permissions:

  • Manage glossary
  • Manage catalog

Restoring values on custom properties

To restore all values of a custom property on assets you need to recreate a property with the same unique identifier and settings. If the property was previously assigned to a group, you need to create the property inside the same group as before.


  • If the custom property is recreated with a different property type and new values were defined, the values of the previous property type will be overwritten and can't be restored. If a property type was changed, but no new values were defined, you can change the property type back to previous one and all values on the custom property will be restored.

Restoring values on groups of custom properties

To restore all values of a group of properties on assets, you need to add removed group again or recreate it with the same unique identifier. The group must contain the same properties with the same settings to restore all values.


  • If changes were made to properties of a group when the group wasn't added to an asset type, values of properties will not reappear on its assets.

Parent topic: Custom properties and relationships for governance artifacts