When you set up an HADR configuration, you can copy assets between the primary and
standby databases by using a shared persistent volume claim for backup storage.
About this task
This process creates a dynamically provisioned persistent volume that is shared between the
primary and standby databases. This volume is used by the Db2 HADR custom resource
definition to share the database backup and keystore tar file between the two deployments.
During deployment of the primary database, click the Separate
locations for all data option and choose a storage class for backup storage.
When the primary database is finished deploying, deploy the standby database and choose
Separate locations for all data, but for backup storage choose Use
existing storage.
The web console should automatically discover and show the persistent volume claim that is
associated with the backup storage area of the primary database under .
Confirm and select the expected claim name by matching the claim prefix with the identifier of
the Db2 service instance for the primary database and the
-backup suffix.
Complete the steps to deploy the standby database.
- claimName: c-db2oltp-crd-hadr-primary-backup
name: backup
resources: {}
type: existing
Ensure you use the name of the PVC determined previously as the