After provisioning or scaling a Db2® Big
SQL instance with multiple workers, you can use
the Db2 Big
SQL health check command to validate
or repair any inconsistencies in your multi-worker configuration.
Before you begin
Wait at least 3 minutes after the bigsql instance Custom Resource is in a Ready state (you
can check this by running the oc get bigsql
command) before running the health
check command.
About this task
This online operation takes only a few seconds to complete.
- Log in to your OpenShift® cluster as a project administrator:
oc login <OpenShift_URL>:<port>
- Change to the project where the Cloud Pak for Data control
plane is installed:
- Identify the Db2 Big
SQL instance ID:
oc get cm -l component=db2bigsql -o custom-columns="Instance Id:{.data.instance_id},Instance Name:{.data.instance_name},Created:{.metadata.creationTimestamp}"
Get the name of the Db2 Big
SQL head
head_pod=$(oc get pod -l app=bigsql-<instance_id>,name=dashmpp-head-0 --no-headers=true
- Run the following health check command:
oc exec -i $head_pod -c db2u -- sudo su - db2inst1 -c "/usr/ibmpacks/current/bigsql/bigsql/bigsql-cli/bigsql-admin -health"