The in4mix and admin user passwords

This topic explains how to obtain password for user in4mix after instance creation is done by the operator. The Informix service is using a private-server installation. The Informix instance user is in4mix because currently it is not possible to let the user informix own a private-server installation. A private-server installation can not perform OS user authentication. For remote connections to the database server a database user admin is automatically generated – after clicking on the instance name in the Instance overview page of CPD.


When the operator creates the Informix instance the password for the user in4mix will be randomly generated.

This password is stored under the key "password" in the crName-informix-auth secret. The crName should consist of informix-<crid> with <crid> being the numerical part of informix-1234...

To get access to the Informix password, use the following command:

$ oc extract secret/informix-<crid>-informix-auth --keys=password --to=-
# password

Similarly, you can achieve the password for the admin user by accessing the content of the apppassword key in the informix-auth secret:

$ oc extract secret/informix-<crid>-informix-auth  --keys=apppassword --to=-
# apppassword