Changing the plan size of the Cognos Analytics service instance
Change the plan size of the Cognos® Analytics service instance after you already provisioned an instance of Cognos Analytics.
About this task
For example, if you provisioned an instance of Cognos Analytics and you later decide that you want to increase or decrease the size of the instance due to resource requirements, you can change the size without having to provision a new instance.
- Create a new file called with the following
#!/usr/bin/env bash # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # IBM Cognos Products: ca # # (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2022 # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # #set -e #set -x check_status="" function isValidPlan { if [[ "$1" != "" ]] && [[ "$1" != "fixedminimum" ]] && [[ "$1" != "small" ]] && [[ "$1" != "medium" ]] && [[ "$1" != "large" ]]; then echo "Invalid plan specified: $1." echo "Expected one of: fixedminimum, small, medium or large" exit 1 fi } function usage { echo $0: usage: $0 [-h] -t tethered namespace -p plan-size } function help { usage echo "-h prints help to the console" echo "-t tethered namespace namespace to scale (required)" echo "-p plan size plan size, one of fixedminimum, small, medium or large (required)" echo "" exit 0 } while getopts ":ht:p:" opt; do case ${opt} in h) help ;; t) namespace=$OPTARG ;; p) plan_size=$OPTARG ;; \?) usage exit 0 ;; esac done if [ -z $namespace ]; then echo "A tethered namespace must be provided" help fi if [ -z $plan_size ]; then echo "A plan size must be provided" help fi isValidPlan $plan_size cr_name=$(oc -n ${namespace} get caserviceinstance --no-headers -o if [ -z $cr_name ]; then echo "Unable to find CAServiceInstance CR for namespace: ${namespace}" help fi echo "Scaling plan: ${cr_name} ..." oc patch caserviceinstance ${cr_name} --type merge -p "{\"spec\":{\"plan_size\":\"${plan_size}\"}}" -n ${namespace} check_status="Completed" sleep 10 # Checking status of ca shutdown action for i in {1..240};do caStatus=$(oc get caserviceinstance ${cr_name} -o jsonpath="{.status.caStatus}" -n ${namespace}) if [[ ${caStatus} == ${check_status} ]];then echo "ca ${check_status} Successfully" break elif [[ ${caStatus} == "Failed" ]];then echo "ca ${caStatus}!" exit 1 fi echo "ca Status: ${caStatus}" sleep 30 done
- Use the script that you created to change the size
of the Cognos
Analytics service
instance. [-h] -t tethered_namespace -p fixedminimum | small | medium | large
- -t specifies the namespace or project in which you will scale the instance.
- -p specifies the new size of the Cognos Analytics service instance.
For example, to increase the size of your Cognos Analytics service instance to large, run the following command:
./ -t NAMESPACE -p large