Moving images for cpd-cli plug-ins to a private container registry

Several of the cpd-cli plug-ins use images. If your cluster pulls images from a private container registry or if your cluster is in a restricted network, you can push the images to the private container registry so that users can run the cpd-cli commands against the cluster.

Who needs to complete this task?
A user who has permissions to push images to the private container registry must complete this task.
When do you need to complete this task?
Complete this task if your cluster is in a restricted network or if your security policies require all images to be pulled from a private container registry.

You can skip this task if your workstations can connect to the public internet and to the cluster at the same time.

Which cpd-cli plug-ins require images?

The following table lists the images that are required by each cpd-cli plug-in:
Plug-in Required images

Use this plug-in to create a local user configuration and profile to enable you to run cpd-cli commands against an existing Cloud Pak for Data.

This plug-in doesn't require any images.


Use this plug-in to backup and restore Cloud Pak for Data volumes.

This plug-in requires the cpdbr image:

x86-64 clusters${BUILD_NUM}-x86_64
ppc64le clusters${BUILD_NUM}-ppc64le

Use this plug-in to backup and restore Cloud Pak for Data deployments, including volumes.

This plug-in uses several images. However the images that you need depend on the type of storage that you are using and what method you are using to perform the backup and restore.

ubi-minimal image

This image is required for all backup and restore scenarios.

x86-64 clusters
ppc64le clusters
cpdbr-velero-plugin image

This image is required for all backup and restore scenarios.

x86-64 clusters
ppc64le clusters
cpdbr-oadp image

This image is required only if you are using IBM® Storage Fusion Data Protection to back up Cloud Pak for Data deployments.

x86-64 clusters
ppc64le clusters
cpdbr-api image

This image is required only if you are using OpenShift® APIs for Data Protection to back up Cloud Pak for Data deployments using REST API calls.

x86-64 clusters
ppc64le clusters

Use this plug-in to export and import data, including metadata.

This plug-in requires the cpdtool image:

x86-64 clusters${BUILD_NUM}-x86_64
ppc64le clusters${BUILD_NUM}-ppc64le

Use this plug-in to install and upgrade Cloud Pak for Data

This plug-in requires the olm-utils image:

x86-64 clusters
s390x clusters

If you plan to use the resource specification injection (RSI) feature, the plug-in requires the zen-rsi-adm-controller image.

Important: The RSI feature is recommended only for advanced Red Hat® OpenShift Container Platform users.
x86-64 clusters
s390x clusters
This image is not available for s390x hardware.

Use this plug-in to migrate your LDAP configuration from Cloud Pak for Data to the IBM Cloud Pak® foundational services IAM Service.

This plug-in requires the zen-ldapmigrate image:

x86-64 clusters
ppc64le clusters
s390x clusters

Use this plug-in to gather diagnostic information about a Cloud Pak for Data deployment.

This plug-in doesn't require any images.


Use this plug-in to manage service instances and users associated with a Cloud Pak for Data deployment.

This plug-in doesn't require any images.

Before you begin

Complete the following tasks before you move the images to the private container registry:

  1. Setting up a client workstation
  2. Setting up installation environment variables


Complete the appropriate tasks based on the cpd-cli plug-ins that you plan to use in your environment: