Setting up your default catalog (Watson Knowledge Catalog)

After you deploy Watson Knowledge Catalog, your default catalog is created automatically. As the only member of the catalog, you must set up the catalog for other users.

This catalog is your enterprise catalog because it is the only catalog that has these capabilities:

The default catalog is automatically governed so that data protection rules are enforced. Data protection rules protect sensitive data by preventing access to assets or by masking sensitive data values.

The initial name of the default catalog is Default Catalog. Because this catalog is synchronized with the Information assets view, it has a synced icon (synced icon) next to its name on the Your catalogs page.

Initially, the only member of the default catalog is the Cloud Pak for Data default Admin user. Directly after installation or an upgrade, the default Admin user does not have access to the Information assets view. To grant the default Admin user access, remove the predefined Data Steward role from the user profile and add it again.

If the default Admin user is suppressed when Watson Knowledge Catalog is installed, the default catalog is not created automatically and a user with the Administrator role must create the default catalog. If you plan to suppress the default Admin user after the default catalog is created, make sure the catalog has a collaborator with the Admin role other than the Admin user.

Setting up the default catalog

The Admin user must set up the default catalog.

To set up the automatically-created default catalog:

  1. Open the catalog. Choose Catalogs > All catalogs from the navigation menu and then click Default Catalog.
  2. Optional. Give the catalog a more meaningful name on the Settings page.
  3. Add collaborators to the catalog with the appropriate catalog roles. All Cloud Pak for Data user roles have permission to access the catalog. Catalog roles determine user permissions within a specific catalog:
    • Admin: Control collaborators and assets. If you don't want to be the only user who can add collaborators to the catalog, give this role to one or more collaborators.
    • Editor: Control assets within the catalog and use them in analytics projects.
    • Viewer: Find assets in the catalog and use them in analytics projects.

If you later delete the default catalog, you can create a new default catalog manually.

Creating the default catalog manually

If the default catalog is not created automatically, a user with the Cloud Pak for Data Administrator role or the Manage catalogs permission must create the default catalog.

To manually create the default catalog:

  1. Go to Administration > Catalogs and then click the Catalog Setup tab.
  2. Enter the catalog name and description and click Create.
  3. Open the catalog. Choose Catalogs > All catalogs from the navigation menu and then click the catalog name.
  4. Add collaborators to the catalog with the appropriate catalog roles.
  5. Load and publish the predefined data classes:

    1. Create a Cloud Pak for Data bearer access token. See Creating a Cloud Pak for Data bearer token.

    2. Run this curl command:

      curl -k -X POST \
      'https://{cpd_cluster_host}/v3/glossary_terms/admin/initialize_content' \
          -H "accept: application/json" \
          -H "Authorization: Bearer {token} " \
          -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
          -d "{}"

      Replace these variables:

      • {cpd_cluster_host} → Your Cloud Pak for Data cluster host name
      • {token} → Your bearer access token

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Parent topic: Installing Watson Knowledge Catalog