Setting up node affinity for Data Virtualization

You can label Cloud Pak for Data compute nodes for affinity to schedule the Data Virtualization main pods (dv-engine and dv-worker) to these nodes. This is an optional task.

About this task

Data Virtualization optionally supports adding a node affinity to require that the service main pods prioritize scheduling to the labeled nodes, subject to resource availability. For more information, see Understanding node affinity in the Red Hat® OpenShift® documentation.

Perform these steps for each compute node that you plan to dedicate to the Data Virtualization service. These steps use Red Hat OpenShift CLI commands. The Node_name variable is the name of a compute node to host the main pods for the Data Virtualization service.


  1. Get a list of nodes available in your OpenShift cluster:
    oc get nodes
  2. Label the node:
    oc label node Node_name dv-dedicated=dv

    Replace Node_name with the Cloud Pak for Data compute node that you want to label.

  3. Repeat step 2 for each Cloud Pak for Data compute node that you want to label for Data Virtualization.