Drill-down trees

To organize chart data in categories and present the different categories in a hierarchical format, you can use drill-down trees. You specify the hierarchical structure of the chart data in XML format.

Drill-down trees are supported by the following chart views: Area chart SDS, Bar chart, Donut chart, Line chart, Multi purpose chart, Pie chart, Step chart.

Set up the drill-down tree

In the view that has the chart that you're working with, set the following options:
  1. Under Configuration > Behavior, select Enable Menu, then specify the service flow for the Data Service. If a service flow does not exist, click New to create one.
  2. In the service flow, add the input and output variables for the drill down tree, similar to the following example:
    Screen capture showing the list of input and output variables for the drill down tree.
  3. Create the hierarchical data structure for the drill-down tree. In the implementation of the server script, enter the XML that creates the hierarchical data structure for the drill-down tree.
    Screen capture to show the script editor and the diagram view of the drill-down tree.
    The following code snippet is provided as an example. Make your drill-down tree as complex as you need by branching off into multiple data sets.
    	<drilldown name="Type">
    		<js-query description="Quantity Sold by Product Type (Clothing/Appliance/Garden)">
    				var data = [["CLOTHING", 1093], ["APPLIANCES", 174], ["GARDENING", 98], ["FURNITURE", 342], ["PHARMACY", 422]];
    				//Example of accessing local variables instead of using the "populateDataSeries" convenience method
    				tw.local.dataSeries.dataPoints = new tw.object.listOf.DataPoint();
    				for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
    					tw.local.dataSeries.dataPoints[i] = new tw.object.DataPoint();
    					tw.local.dataSeries.dataPoints[i].label = data[i][0];
    					tw.local.dataSeries.dataPoints[i].value = data[i][1];
    		<drilldown name="Brand" cond-field="../@name" cond-operator="eq" cond-value="CLOTHING">
    			<js-query description="Quantity Sold of Clothing Products by Brand">
    					var data = [["Brand1", 363], ["Brand2", 556], ["Brand3", 174]];
    			<drilldown name="Gender">
    				<js-query description="Quantity Sold of Clothing products by Brand, Gender">
    						<field var="brand" ref="../@value"/>
    						var data = [];
    						if(brand == "Brand1")
    							data = [["M", 363]];
    						else if(brand == "Brand2")
    							data = [["M", 382], ["F", 174]];
    						else if(brand == "Brand3")
    							data = [["M", 174]];
    				<drilldown name="Kind">
    					<js-query description="Quantity Sold of Clothing products by Gender, Brand and for specific Kind">
    							<field var="brand" ref="../../@value"/>
    							<field var="gender" ref="../@value"/>
    							var data = [];
    							if(gender == "M")
    								if(brand == "Brand1")
    									data = [["SHIRT", 251], ["PANTS", 112]];
    								else if(brand == "Brand2")
    									data = [["SOCKS", 168], ["SHIRT", 214]];
    								else if(brand == "Brand3")
    									data = [["TIE", 174]];
    							else if(gender == "F")
    								if(brand == "Brand2")
    									data = [["SHIRT", 86], ["PANTS", 65], ["DRESS", 23]];
    			<drilldown name="Kind">
    				<js-query description="Quantity Sold of Clothing products by Kind and for specific Brand">
    						<field var="brand" ref="../@value"/>
    						var data = [];
    						if(brand == "Brand1")
    							data = [["SHIRT", 251], ["PANTS", 112]];
    						else if(brand == "Brand2")
    							data = [["SOCKS", 168], ["SHIRT", 300], ["PANTS", 65], ["DRESS", 23]];
    						else if(brand == "Brand3")
    							data = [["TIE", 174]];
    		<drilldown name="Brand" cond-field="../@name" cond-operator="eq" cond-value="APPLIANCES">
    			<js-query description="Quantity Sold of Appliances by Brand">
    					var data = [["Brand6", 35], ["Brand5", 49], ["Brand7", 17], ["Brand8", 22], ["Brand9", 22], ["Brand4", 29]];

Populate the drill-down tree with data

Use either one of the following methods to populate the drill-down tree with data:
Use the CDATA tags
To populate data using the CDATA tags, use the following code:
 <![CDATA[var data = [["Brand1", 363], ["Brand2", 556], ["Brand3",174]];
For the data to show up, you must call populateDataSeries, and pass in data, populateDataSeries(data).
Use the dataSeries object
Instead of using the populateDataSeries method, access the local variables by using the dataSeries data object:
<![CDATA[var data = [["CLOTHING", 1093], ["APPLIANCES", 174]];
    tw.local.dataSeries.dataPoints = new tw.object.listOf.DataPoint();

    for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
        tw.local.dataSeries.dataPoints[i] = new tw.object.DataPoint();
        tw.local.dataSeries.dataPoints[i].label = data[i][0];
        tw.local.dataSeries.dataPoints[i].value = data[i][1];