Defining case page layouts

When you design views, you can define case page layouts that associate classic case views with modern Adapter pages that incorporate custom client-side human services.


To define a case page layout:

  1. On the Views page for the case type, select the Case Layouts tab and click Add Layout.
  2. Select the Case Page Layout menu item. The editor opens.
  3. In the Name and Unique Identifier fields, specify a name and unique identifier for the case page layout.
  4. In the Type drop-down list, select a layout type.
    In the Case Adapter Page drop-down list, the corresponding Adapter page is automatically selected. For example, if you select Case Details in the Type drop-down list, Case Details Adapter is automatically selected in the Case Adapter Page drop-down list.
  5. Click OK.
  6. To the right of the new case page layout, click the Open in Designer icon. The client-side human service opens in Process Designer.
  7. Modify and enhance the client-side human service as needed.
  8. Save your changes and close Process Designer.


For more information, see Creating page layouts using human services.