Boundary events
A boundary event acts as a trigger within a human service that sends information from a
coach to the human service, where the information could then be committed and the human service
moves to the next step of the flow.
You can use named boundary events in both views and custom views; however, only one boundary event can be specified per view. The Button view has boundary events specified by default.
When you create a view, you specify a boundary event in the Overview
properties, under Usage. You must add JavaScript code to trigger the event at the appropriate time using the
application programming interface (API). This code
is part of the behavior defined in the Behavior properties.
Important: When a boundary event has been specified in a coach, the boundary event
must be wired to the next state.
For loopback scenarios where the data is committed and then
the same coach reopens, only the affected data is reloaded in the view instead of the full