Adding variables to views

You can define the data used by the view and the ways in which users can configure it.


Define the variables that the view uses to store its association with business data and how users can configure the view under Variables.

Tip: Alternatively, you can create a view directly from an existing business object. The business data of the new view is bound to the business object it originated from. See Developing reusable views.

  • To associate the view with data, add data such as a business object.
    A view can have only one associated data object. A data association is not mandatory. The views that this view contains can bind to the associated data object or one of its parameters if it is a business object.
    Restriction: To avoid errors with binding a map to a view instance, use a list (array) of NameValuePair instead of a business data variable with the map type. This ensures that the variable and its properties are all typed, and can be understood by the server.
  • To provide users with ways to customize view instances, add configuration options.
    Pages and views that contain your view display these options as configuration properties when users select your view in the layout. The users can then configure the instance by using the options that you provided.

    For example, the Button view has the allowMultipleClicks configuration option. If you put a Button instance into a view, you can see Allow multiple clicks when you display its properties.

    For service types, you must specify a default service to identify the signature of the service.

    For event types, you can define variables that identify the user-defined event handlers. For more information, see the topic User-defined events.

  • To provide translations for the text of your view, add resource bundles by adding localization resources.
    For information, see Localizing user interfaces.