Migrating data from Operational Decision Manager

You must review the changes between the version that you installed and the version that you want to migrate to. You can then set the new and changed parameters for your new deployment in a copy of the custom resource file you previously deployed.

About this task

Operational Decision Manager persists data in a database.

An external Db2® or PostgreSQL database uses the following configuration parameters:
  • Server type: externalDatabase.type
  • Server name: externalDatabase.serverName
  • Port: externalDatabase.port
  • Database name: externalDatabase.databaseName
  • Secret credentials: externalDatabase.secretCredentials
A customized database uses the following configuration parameters:
  • Data source secret: externalCustomDatabase.datasourceRef
  • Persistent Volume Claim to access the JDBC database driver: externalCustomDatabase.driverPvc
An internal database uses a predefined persistent volume claim (PVC) or Kubernetes dynamic provisioning. You must have a persistent volume (PV) already created with accessMode and ReadWriteOnce attributes for Operational Decision Manager containers. Dynamic provisioning uses the default storageClass defined by the Kubernetes admin or by using a custom storageClass that overrides the default.
  • Predefined PVC
    • internalDatabase.persistence.enabled: true (default)
    • internalDatabase.persistence.useDynamicProvisioning: false (default)
  • Kubernetes dynamic provisioning
    • internalDatabase.persistence.enabled: true (default)
    • internalDatabase.persistence.useDynamicProvisioning: true


  1. Review the database configuration parameters.

    Note the name of the secret that encrypts the database user and password that is used to secure access to the database.

    If you customized the Decision Center Business console with your own implementation of dynamic domains, custom value editors, or custom ruleset extractors you must note the name of the YAML file you used.

    For example, custom-dc-libs-pvc.yaml.
  2. Review Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) settings.

    Make a note of the LDAP parameters that are used to connect to the LDAP server to validate users. The Directory service server has a number of mandatory configuration parameters, so save these values somewhere and refer to them when you configure the custom resource YAML file. For more information, see LDAP configuration parameters.

  3. Review any other customizations that you applied.

    If you customized your Operational Decision Manager installation, go to the Operational Decision Manager user documentation and remind yourself of the customizations that you applied and need to apply again in the new ODM instance.