If you installed IBM Workflow Process Service Runtime 23.0.2, you can
upgrade to 24.0.0.
Before you begin
Back up your data and take snapshots. You need this data to roll back after you upgrade.
For more information, see Backing up your environments in 23.0.2.
The following diagram highlights the components that are always installed
when you install
IBM Workflow Process Service Runtime, along with the
optional components. If you are upgrading
IBM Workflow Process Service Runtime in your custom
resource (CR), then make sure that you update all the relevant versions for all of the capabilities
that are in your CR file.
To upgrade
Workflow Process Service, complete
the following steps.
- Upgrade your deployment to 24.0.0 by completing the
steps in Upgrading CP4BA multi-pattern clusters from 23.0.2. The
script will update the Workflow Process Service operator and CR
when you complete these steps.
- If you enabled full text search in your previous environment and
you want to keep your saved searches, you need to convert your previous saved searches into the
search queries used in the most recent version:
- Export the OpenSearch connection information into the section after environment
variables. To export your information, use the following commands:
export OPENSEARCH_URL=https://elasticsearch.abc.com
export OPENSEARCH_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret opensearch-ibm-elasticsearch-cred-secret -n production --no-headers --ignore-not-found -o jsonpath={.data.elastic} | base64 -d)
- If you do not have an index named
, skip this step. If you have
the index, you will need to clone the index to a new index with a name similar to
, where:
is the unique system string. This value might be
hardcoded to be 'wfps'
. If the value is not hardcoded, it might have a format
similar to: e6e592e4-fede-45c1-a671-cd8e0cab5124
is the Workflow Process Service Runtime custom resource
Clone the index by using the following
curl X POST -u $OPENSEARCH_USERNAME:$OPENSEARCH_PASSWORD "$OPENSEARCH_URL/icp4ba<system-unique-id>-ibmpfssavedsearches/_clone/icp4ba-pfs@<wfpsruntime-cr-name>-ibmpfssavedsearches" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --insecure -d' { "settings":
{ "index.number_of_replicas": 1 }
After the command is complete, configure the alias for the newly cloned index by
running a command similar to the following. If you use the "@" character for the alias name, the "@"
character will be
curl -X POST -u $OPENSEARCH_USERNAME:$OPENSEARCH_PASSWORD "$OPENSEARCH_URL/_aliases?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --insecure -d' { "actions": [ { "add":
{ "index": "icp4ba-pfs@<wfpsruntime-cr-name>-ibmpfssavedsearches", "alias": "icp4ba-pfs<wfpsruntime-cr-name>-ibmpfssavedsearches" }
} ] }}
- Create reusable search queries from the saved searches that you just imported. After
you run the following command, you should see a new index that is named
in your OpenSearch
cluster. curl -X POST -u user:password "https://zen-route-url/<wfpsruntime-cr-name>-wfps/rest/bpm/federated/v2/search/queries/transfer?action=start" --insecure
user whose credentials are used in the preceding command needs the role
. For more information about this role, see
Specifying Process Federation Server user authorizations on Kubernetes.
- After the call to
successfully, you need to call v2/search/queries/transfer?action=status
at regular
intervals to check the migration status and get the migration logs. To abort the migration, use the
following call: v2/search/queries/transfer?action=abort
- Verify your Workflow Process Service deployment.
- Verify the configuration of your applications and the status of your pods by running
the following command:
- Verify the instance details in the custom resource status fields of the components by
running the following command:
oc get wfps <instance_name> -o yaml
Verify your upgrade to 24.0.0 by running the following command:
oc get statefulset <instance_name>-wfps-runtime-server -o yaml
sure that the value of
- Make sure that you can access the Workplace console. For more
information on how to get the console URL and other verification, see "Verifying your Workflow
Process Service deployment" in Installing Workflow
Process Service Runtime deployments.
If you are unable to access the
Workplace URL or the
Workplace page is blank, run the
following command. Replace
with your
Workflow Process Service instance
oc exec -it <WfPS_Instance_Name>-wfps-runtime-server-0 -- /bin/bash -c "/opt/ibm/wlp/ibmProcessServer/bin/updateSystemApp defaultServer"