Upgrading CP4BA Workflow Process Service Runtime from 23.0.2

If you installed IBM Workflow Process Service Runtime 23.0.2, you can upgrade to 24.0.0.

Before you begin

Back up your data and take snapshots. You need this data to roll back after you upgrade. For more information, see Backing up your environments in 23.0.2.

The following diagram highlights the components that are always installed when you install IBM Workflow Process Service Runtime, along with the optional components. If you are upgrading IBM Workflow Process Service Runtime in your custom resource (CR), then make sure that you update all the relevant versions for all of the capabilities that are in your CR file.
Workflow Process Service capability diagram
To upgrade Workflow Process Service, complete the following steps.


  1. Upgrade your deployment to 24.0.0 by completing the steps in Upgrading CP4BA multi-pattern clusters from 23.0.2. The cp4a-deployment.sh script will update the Workflow Process Service operator and CR when you complete these steps.
  2. Verify your Workflow Process Service deployment.
    1. Verify the configuration of your applications and the status of your pods by running the following command:
      oc get pods -w
    2. Verify the instance details in the custom resource status fields of the components by running the following command:
      oc get wfps <instance_name> -o yaml
    3. Verify your upgrade to 24.0.0 by running the following command:
      oc get statefulset <instance_name>-wfps-runtime-server -o yaml
      Make sure that the value of cloudpakVersion is 24.0.0.
    4. Make sure that you can access the Workplace console. For more information on how to get the console URL and other verification, see "Verifying your Workflow Process Service deployment" in Installing Workflow Process Service Runtime deployments.
      If you are unable to access the Workplace URL or the Workplace page is blank, run the following command. Replace <WfPS_Instance_Name> with your Workflow Process Service instance name.
      oc exec -it <WfPS_Instance_Name>-wfps-runtime-server-0 -- /bin/bash -c "/opt/ibm/wlp/ibmProcessServer/bin/updateSystemApp defaultServer"