Upgrading IBM FileNet Content Manager

If you deployed IBM FileNet® Content Manager, you must upgrade the ecm_configuration section in the custom resource YAML file that is used in the previous version. If you pulled in IBM FileNet Content Manager as a dependency for Business Automation Workflow Authoring, you might not have the ecm_configuration section in your YAML file.

Before you begin

The following diagram highlights the components that are always installed when you install a content pattern, along with the optional components. If you are upgrading IBM FileNet Content Manager in your custom resource (CR), then make sure that you update all the relevant versions for all of the capabilities that are in your CR file.

ADS pattern visual
Note: The custom resource configuration sections for these components use the following names:
  • Business Automation Navigator: navigator_configuration
  • FileNet Content Manager: ecm_configuration
  • Enterprise Records: ier_configuration
  • Content Collector for SAP: iccsap_configuration
  • Business Automation Insights: bai_configuration
  • Resource Registry: resource_registry_configuration

Plan your upgrade for a time when it is convenient to restrict all user access to content services. When a pod stops, the Content Platform Engine deployment gives the pod some time to finish the existing workloads that are already assigned to the pod. During this time, additional work requests for that pod are rejected. If the workload does not finish within the assigned time, the pod terminates. Unfinished work transitions to another pod later.

The result is the completion of more in-flight operations reducing the amount of rework and thereby, a particular pod might take longer to stop.

During the process of upgrading your container images, you must also perform the standard checks and post upgrade configuration tasks to ensure that your content services environment continues to function as it did before the upgrade.

The custom resource file includes several mandatory configuration parameters. Depending on the previous version of your custom resource YAML file, the upgradeDeployment mode of the script will modify your CR to meet the requirements of the mandatory parameters. For more information, see Upgrading your IBM Cloud Pak deployment from 23.0.2.

Important: Creating a full backup of databases, volumes, and configuration files can help you roll back your upgrade if needed.

About this task

By default, the operator deploys each container by using the corresponding digest for the tag of the operator version that is used to deploy. If you want to override the image digest with a specific image tag, such as applying a limited availability fix, you can specify the image tag in the custom resource (CR).

Remember: Be sure to plan the timing of the upgrade to ensure minimal disruption to your users.

The following steps assume that you have all content services containers in your environment. If you do not use all of the containers, skip over the steps for the containers that do not apply.


  1. Verify that the operator is started and shows a STATUS of "Running".
    oc get pods -w
  2. In the new working copy of your custom resource file, make sure that the spec section includes all of the mandatory new parameters.
    • If you want to keep the hostname that you defined in a previous release, add the hostname attribute under the ecm_configurationcontainer section. For example:
           hostname: "cpe.test1.9.x.x.x.nip.io"
  3. (Optional) The Cloud Pak operator includes a single version of Db2 (db2jcc4.jar), Oracle (ojdbc8.jar), Microsoft SQL Server (mssql-jdbc.jre11.jar), and PostgreSQL (postgresql-42.7.2.jar) JDBC drivers to use in your production deployments.
  4. Optional: If you want additional debugging information during the upgrade, add the ecm_configuration.no_log=false parameter.

What to do next

Continue to configure the other capabilities that are in your CR file, and make sure that you complete the last step Validating the YAML in your custom resource file before you apply the CR to the operator. Apply the modified custom resource file as described in Applying the upgraded custom resource for the upgrade to take place.