Upgrading IBM Automation Document Processing

If you installed a previous version of IBM Automation Document Processing, you can now move to a newer version.

About this task

When you upgrade Automation Document Processing, you must also upgrade the IBM FileNet® Content Manager components that you use with document processing.

Plan your upgrade to accommodate all of the related components. The following diagrams highlight the components that are always installed when you install a document_processing pattern, along with the optional components. Your upgrade steps might be different depending on whether you are upgrading an authoring environment or a runtime environment.

document_processing pattern visual
Note: The custom resource configuration sections for these components use the following names:
  • Business Automation Navigator: navigator_configuration
  • FileNet Content Manager: ecm_configuration
  • Document Processing: document_processing
  • Application Engine: application_engine_configuration
  • Business Automation Insights: bai_configuration
  • Resource Registry: resource_registry_configuration
  • Business Automation Studio: bastudio_configuration
document_processing pattern visual
Note: The custom resource configuration sections for these components use the following names:
  • Business Automation Navigator: navigator_configuration
  • FileNet Content Manager: ecm_configuration
  • Document Processing: document_processing
  • Application Engine: application_engine_configuration
  • Resource Registry: resource_registry_configuration
Check the upgrade instructions for prerequisite capabilities in case upgrading them requires additional actions.

After you complete the upgrade, you must update any deployed document processing applications to the latest version and re-import them in Business Automation Navigator.

  • After an upgrade from the previous version, make sure to retrain your extraction model for your existing projects, and then redeploy the projects to the runtime environment.
  • To avoid any loss of project data when upgrading, you must force your latest changes to be saved to the remote Git server by sharing the project. Before you start the upgrade process, open each Document Processing project and from the Designer main page, click Share.

What to do next

Upgrading your Automation Document Processing databases

Upgrade the Db2 or PostgreSQL databases for Document Processing if your deployment includes IBM Automation Document Processing.

  1. Get the latest Db2 or PostgreSQL scripts for the new version from the updated /ACA/configuration-ha directory in your copy of the cert-kubernetes repository. The Db2 scripts are located in the DB2 subdirectory. The PostgreSQL scripts are located in the PG subdirectory.

    For more information about downloading cert-kubernetes, see Preparing a client to connect to the cluster.

  2. Update the base Db2 or PostgreSQL database.
    • For AIX or Linux, run UpgradeBaseDB.sh.
    • For Microsoft Windows, run UpgradeBaseDB.bat.
  3. Upgrade the project Db2 or PostgreSQL databases.
    • For AIX or Linux, run UpgradeTenantDB.sh for each of your project databases.
    • For Microsoft Windows, run UpgradeTenantDB.bat for each of your project databases.

Continue to configure the other capabilities that are in your CR file, and make sure that you complete the last step Validating the YAML in your custom resource file before you apply the CR to the operator.

Apply the modified CR file as described in Applying the updated custom resource.