Upgrading IBM Automation Decision Services

If you installed the previous version of Automation Decision Services, you have now the opportunity to move to the new version.

Before you begin

The following diagram highlights the components that are installed when you install a decisions_ads pattern, along with the optional components. If you are upgrading Automation Decision Services in your custom resource (CR), then make sure that you update all the relevant versions for all of the capabilities that are in your CR file.
Important: Automation Decision Services does not support Business Automation Insights neither in 23.0.1 nor 23.0.2.
ADS pattern visual
Note: The custom resource configuration sections for these components use the following names:
  • Business Automation Navigator: navigator_configuration
  • Automation Decision Services: ads_configuration
  • Application Engine: application_engine_configuration
  • Resource Registry: resource_registry_configuration
  • Business Automation Studio: bastudio_configuration


To upgrade from the previous release to the current release:

  1. If image tags are used in the CR of your existing deployment, change them to 24.0.0 as well.
  2. If you set the restrict internet access parameter to true during the upgrade, you might need to look at creating network policies if Automation Decision Services has the need to access anything outside of the cluster.

    For more information, see Configuring cluster security.

What to do next

Continue to configure the other capabilities that are in your CR file, and make sure that you complete the last step Validating the YAML in your custom resource file before you apply the CR to the operator.

Apply the modified custom resource file as described in Applying the upgraded custom resource for the upgrade to take place.

Go to Completing the IBM Automation Decision Services upgrade.