
Adds a video to the app to improve its interactivity.

Data binding

Set or modify the data binding for the view in the General properties. Video can be bound to a String variable.

Configuration properties

Under Configuration, set or modify the appearance and behavior properties for the view.

Screen size
A configuration property that has the Screen Sizes icon The Screen Sizes icon beside the property name can have different values for each screen size. If you do not set a value, the screen size inherits the value of the next larger screen size as its default value.
Theme definitions
Theme definitions specify the colors and styles for a view and determine its appearance. You can preview the look and feel of views in the theme editor. See Themes.
The appearance configuration properties for Video are shown in the following table:
Table 1. Appearance configuration properties for Video
Appearance configuration property Description Data type
Width The Screen Sizes icon Specifies the width of the view. You can specify the width in px (pixels), % (percent), or em units. For example, 50px, 20%, or 0.4em. If no unit type is specified, px is assumed. String
Height The Screen Sizes icon Specifies the height of the view. You can specify the height in px (pixels), % (percent), or em units. For example, 50px, 20%, or 0.4em. If no unit type is specified, px is assumed. String
Poster image The URL for the poster image. String
The behavior configuration properties for Video are shown in the following table:
Table 2. Behavior configuration properties for Video
Behavior configuration property Description Data type
Video source type The type of video. Choose from MP4, WEBM, FLV and M3U8. String
Auto preload When this option is enabled, video data begins loading as soon as the view loads. Boolean
Auto play When this option is enabled, the video starts playing as soon as view is loaded. Boolean
Use the tracks configuration properties to provide time triggered text to the viewer. The tracks properties for Video are shown in the following table:
Table 3. Tracks configuration properties for Video
Track configuration property Description Data type
source_Filename The name of the text file that contains the track text. The file must be in WebVTT format and it must be added as a managed asset in the library. String
languageCode The two-letter code for the language of the text track. You must use a valid BCP 47 language tag. For example, en for English. String
label The label for the track that is shown to the user. For example, the label appears as an option in a menu that lists the different languages available for subtitles. String
kind The type of track. Supported types are Subtitles, Captions, and Chapters. String
default Select the default option to show the language that is defined in this track by default. For example, you might define a track for English, another for French and another for German. You can set one of these tracks to be the default. If you do not set a default, the viewer must select the language from the captions or subtitles menu. Boolean


Set or modify the event handlers for the view in the Events properties. You can set events to be triggered programmatically or when a user interacts with the view. For information about how to define and code events, see User-defined events. Video has the following types of event handlers:
  • On load: Activated when the view loads for example



For detailed information on the available methods for Video, see the Video JavaScript API.

Additional resources

For information about how to create a coach or page, see Building coaches.
For information about standard properties (General, Configuration, Positioning, Visibility, and HTML Attributes), see View properties.