
Enables you to organize other views in tabs, but displays only one tab at a time. You can configure the tab that is displayed by default.

The Stack view is designed to accommodate nested views. As a developer, you create a Stack view with multiple panes. You then set conditions to select which pane is shown for users to interact with. At run time, users do not select the pane directly by clicking on it. Typically, the user makes a choice, and based on that choice, a pane is displayed. The height of the Stack container is typically the height of the currently displayed content.

Use the Default Pane Index to indicate where the pane must show. This index starts at 0. If you do not specify this value and data binding is not specified either, the default index is 0. Specify -1 to show no pane at all.


This example shows the Stack section being used in conjunction with three Radio Button views. To enable selection of each pane, the On Select event of each radio button calls the setCurrentPane method. Within each pane of the Stack section, a Panel section holds the other views. One pane is displayed at a time.
A screen capture of a pane displayed at the top of a Stack view.
Here is the result:
Screen captures of the each separate pane.


For detailed information on the available methods for Stack, see the Stack JavaScript API.

Additional resources

For information about how to create a coach or page, see Building coaches.
For information about standard properties (General, Configuration, Positioning, Visibility, and HTML Attributes), see View properties.