Services in the Content Management toolkit
The following services are available in the Content Management toolkit for creating user
interfaces to work with documents.
Service name | Description | Data type |
BPM Content Store Search service | The service that is used to search for folders and documents in the BPM content store. The view builds the search query based on the values of the other configuration options for the view, and then passes the query to the search service. |
Content Store Search Service
ECM Add external reference service | Adds an external document or folder reference to the BPM managed store. | ECM Add external reference service
ECM Get document service | The default service that returns the document. | ECM Get document service
ECM Get type definition service | The default service that returns the type definition for the document view. | ECM Get type definition service
ECM Get type descendants service | The service that returns a list of type descendants to a given depth. | ECM Get type descendants service
ECM Get folder service | The service that returns a folder. | ECM Get folder service
ECM Get folder by path service | Gets a folder based on the specified path. | ECM Get folder by path service
Default get related ECM folders service | Gets the root ECM folder information on all available servers in the current snapshot. | Default get related ECM folders service
ECM Check out document service | The service that is used to check out a document from the specified server. | ECM Check-Out Document Service
ECM Cancel checkout service | The service that is used to cancel the check out a document from the specified server. | ECM Cancel checkout service
ECM Remove document service | The service that removes a specified document from a specified folder. Removing a document unfiles the document from the folder but does not delete it from the repository. | ECM Remove document service
ECM Create folder service | The service that creates the specified folder, with a given name, in the specified parent folder. The property sets the process subfolder ID. | ECM Create folder service
ECM Remove folder service | The service that removes a specified folder from a specified folder. Removing a folder unfiles the folder from the parent folder but does not delete it from the repository. | ECM Remove folder service
ECM Delete folder service | The service that permanently deletes folders. | ECM Delete folder service
ECM Delete document service | Specify the service used to delete documents. | ECM Delete document service
ECM Rename folder reference service | The service that renames the folder reference (not the name of the folder on the ECM system). | ECM Rename folder reference service
ECM Update folder properties service | The service that updates folder properties, for example, renaming the folder. | ECM Update folder properties service
Localization service | The service that is used to retrieve the globalized strings for use with this view. | ECM Localization service |
Additional resources
For information about how to create a coach or page, see Building coaches.
For information about standard properties
(General, Configuration,
Positioning, Visibility, and HTML
Attributes), see View properties.