Service call

Invokes a service that can be triggered by an On load event handler or programmatically.

Typically, this view uses two variables, one as the input data for the service, and the other as the results. The input value is passed to and used by the service. The input value is of type String. The input variable can be bound to another view, such as a Text view, to allow the user to enter data manually. However, data binding is not required for the Service call view to work.

Configuration properties

Under Configuration, set or modify the appearance and behavior properties for the view.

Theme definitions
Theme definitions specify the colors and styles for a view and determine its appearance. You can preview the look and feel of views in the theme editor. See Themes.
The appearance configuration properties for the Service call view are shown in the following table:
Table 1. Appearance configuration properties for the Service call view
Appearance configuration property Description Data type
Busy indicator Displays the Busy icon that indicates that the service call is running.
  • None
  • Spinner
  • Refresh
  • Cog
The behavior configuration properties for the Service call view are shown in the following table:
Table 2. Behavior configuration properties for the Service call view
Behavior configuration property Description Data type
Called service Specifies the service flow with Ajax access that is called when the Service call view runs. It takes input value as an argument for the service flow, and outputs the result as the data that is bound to the view. AJAX Service
Input value Specifies the input value for the service flow with Ajax access. When Auto run is selected, changes to this value automatically start the service flow with the updated input. ANY
Auto run Runs the service flow with Ajax access on start and whenever the input data is changed. Boolean


This example uses the following artifacts:
  • A client-side human service that contains a UI page.
  • Inside the page:
    • A Panel view named Service call Example that contains two Text views, one called Name and the other called Result.
    • A Service call view that uses two variables:
      • An input variable of type string called data, which is bound to the Behavior > Input value option of the Service call view. To allow the user to enter data in the text field, data is also bound to the Name text view.
      • An output variable of type string called results, which is bound to both the Result Text view and Service call view in their General > Behavior sections.
  • A service flow with Ajax access, named Called Service Flow, which has the same variables as the Service call view and contains a server script.
    Tip: The easiest way to create the service flow with the same variables as the Service call view is to click New next to Called service in the Configuration > Behavior section of the Service call view. Complete the wizard to create the service flow and then configure its properties as follows.
    • In the Overview tab, under Ajax Access, Allow calls from all users is selected.
    • In the Variables tab, the service flow has the same variables, data (string) and results (string).
    • In the Diagram tab, select the script node and then, in the script properties, under Script, add the following logic:
      if( !=null){
          var data = + "";
          if(data.length > 0)
              tw.local.results = "Hello " +;

      Line 1 adds a delay of one second (1000 ms) that allows the Busy indicator cog to display spinning. The rest of the script checks if there is input data added to the service. If input data is provided, the script adds the result "Hello " to the input data.

The Service call view has the following configuration properties:
  • Under Configuration > Behavior, Called service is set to Called Service Flow.
  • Input value is set to data (string).
  • Auto run is selected.
  • Under Configuration > Appearance, Busy indicator is set to Cog.
Run the human service to see the result:
  • Before adding input data, the result is a panel that contains two empty text fields, Name and Result. The Busy indicator icon in the form of a cog spins in the bottom left corner to show that the human service is running.
  • When input data is added to the Name text field, for example, Bill, after the cog stops spinning, the Result field displays the text Hello Bill.


Set or modify the event handlers for the view in the Events properties. You can set events to be triggered programmatically or when a user interacts with the view. For information about how to define and code events, see User-defined events.

The user does not interact with the Service call view, but rather the events are activated when the user gets a result or error from the service flow call.

The Service call view has the following types of event handlers:
  • On load: Activated when the page loads. For example:
  • On invoked: Activated when the service is invoked. For example:
  • On before result: Activated when the service with Ajax access returns a result, but before the result is processed to allow for data augmentation. For example:
    alert("Service call returned: " + data.results);
  • On result: Activated when the service returns a result. For example:
    alert("Service call returns " + me.getResult() );
    Tip: Using .items to access date properties may return values with an incorrect type. For example, dates can be represented as strings instead of JavaScript Date objects. Use .toJSObject() or .get(index) to access the list properties.
  • On error: Activated when the service returns an error. For the error to be returned, an AjaxError object should be used as an output variable inside the service. The output variable can be used in conjunction with an error intermediate event to catch any errors and set the AjaxError object accordingly. For example:
    alert("Service error: " + me.getLastError().errorText)


For detailed information on the available methods for the Service call view, see the Service call JavaScript API.

Additional resources

For information about how to create a coach or page, see Building coaches.
For information about standard properties (General, Configuration, Positioning, Visibility, and HTML Attributes), see View properties.