Related Cases

Use the Related Cases view to define relationships between cases.

This correlation among cases facilitates the grouping of similar cases and enables case workers to efficiently handle batch processing, prioritizing related cases with greater effectiveness.

To relate cases:
  1. From the Case Details page, select the Related Items tab.
    Note: Cases that are already related to the selected case appear in the table.
  2. To relate a new case, click Add Related.
  3. In the Add Related dialog box, use the filter criteria to search for cases. By default, the filter criteria displays the properties Added On and Case Identifier which can be used to search for cases. To have more properties listed in the filter criteria, add properties into the Case Search view while authoring the solution.
  4. Select one or more cases from the list and click Relate.
  5. A Relationship dialog box appears, where you can add a comment on the relationship between the cases. This is optional.

    You can link cases by choosing a relationship name from the Current case relates to drop-down list, which connects the current case to the chosen cases. Also, you can select a relationship name from the Relate the selected items as drop-down list to link the chosen cases to the current case. Examples of predefined relationship names that might appear in the drop-down list include Buyer, Seller, Customer Representative, Customer, Sales Representative, and others. If there are no predefined relationship names, the default relationship name is set to Related.

  6. The case that is related now appears in the Related Items tab.
  • To separate cases that are already related, either choose Unrelate from the overflow menu or click Unrelate after selecting the case from the table.
  • To view details of the case, select View from the overflow menu.

Configuration properties

Table 1. Related Cases view
Property Description Data type
Case Identifier The Case Identifier of the case instance as required by the view. String
Target Object Store Name The repository name that the view needs to connect. String
Is Case Client The option set to indicate whether the view is used in the context of Case Client or Workplace. Boolean
Solution Prefix The prefix of the solution that is being deployed. String
Columns Case instance properties to be rendered at run time in a table. Details of the configuration options in column are given in table 2.  
Relationship Names List of relationship names used when you link cases. String
Get Repository Name Service Service to retrieve the repository name that is associated to the case instance. Service
Table 2. Columns
Property Description Data type
Property Symbolic name of a case instance property. Case Business Object is not supported. String
Label Label of the column that renders as a table column header at run time. String
Render as Denotes the format in which the cell contents are to be rendered. Possible values:
  • Simple HTML
  • Custom
Visibility The visibility of the column. Possible values:
  • Visible
  • Read-Only
  • None
Sortable Select the checkbox to allow the data in the column to be sorted. String
Options Options to format the data in the column, depending on the data type.

Date Picker

For example, if the required format is Monday 08 Jun, 2015, enter: "datePattern":"EEEE dd MMM, yyyy"

These options work only if the column is rendered as HTML or Custom. For custom rendering, in the On custom cell event, use the cell.getFormattedValue() function to get a value with the applied formatting.

CSS The CSS styling to be applied to the column. You can use CSS style (For example - color:#00ff00) or CSS classes. If a colon is included in this field, the table control assumes the CSS style. Otherwise, it assumes that one or more CSS class names are specified. String
Width Width of column in px, em, or %. If no unit is specified, the value is assumed in px.
Note: Consider leaving a single column width undefined so that the browser can calculate any remaining space and assign it to the column whose width is not specified.
Table 3. Relationship Names
Property Description Data type
Relationship Names Users can set names in the Custom Case Details page. String
Additional resources
For more information about how to create a coach or page, see Building coaches.
For more information about standard properties (General, Configuration, Positioning, Visibility, and HTML Attributes), see View properties. For other UI views, see UI toolkit.