
Provides users with relevant places of interest for more convenient maps by displaying locations that are defined by their coordinates, location type, and radius.


In this example, you select an API key for a map, locate and display an address, create a Places view to display a list of gas stations, and communicate the location and place to the map.
  1. Use the OpenLayers API view to specify an API key. For more information, see OpenLayers API.
  2. Use the Geo location view to find the user's location and display it on the map.
  3. Use the Places view to display the places of interest of your choice and their location.
  4. Use the Multi select view to select the place of interest you want to show, for example gas stations.
  5. Add the Map view to the page and configure the map appearance as appropriate.
  6. Add a Custom HTML view to have the Map view communicate the coordinates and places to the map.
    function updateLocation(me, location) {
       var map = page.ui.get("Map1");
       //Setting the center of the map and adding a marker
       map.setCenter(location.latitude, location.longitude);
      var placesSearch = page.ui.get("Places1");
                    radius: 10000,
                    types: ["fuel"],
This HTML code reads as follows.
function updateLocation(me, location)
This function is called by the Geo location view. The me parameter references Geo_Location1 and passes in location information.
var map = page.ui.get("Map1")
This function finds the map to enable communication with it.
map.setCenter(location.latitude, location.longitude)
This function uses the location information that was passed in to set the center of the map from the location.latitude and location.longitude parameter values.
This function adds a marker to the centered location.
var placesSearch = page.ui.get("Places1")
This function finds fuel places nearby the user's location by using the requestNearbySearch method.

The result appends a list of gas stations after the map shown in Geo coder.


Set or modify the event handlers for the view in the Events properties. You can set events to be triggered programmatically or when a user interacts with the view. For information about how to define and code events, see User-defined events.
For the Places view, you can activate the following event handlers:
  • On Load when the Places view is loaded on the page, for example me.requestNearbySearch(${Geo}.getData().latitude, ${Geo}.getData().longitude, ["bank"], true);
  • On Place requested when a place is requested, for example ${Map}.addMarker(location)
  • On Place resolved when a place is found, for example for(var i = 0; i < places.length; i++){console.log("Place: " + places[i].name + " -- " + places[i].vicinity);}
  • On Place error when a place cannot resolve a location, for example ${Map}.setCenter(${Geo}.getData().latitude, ${Geo}.getData().longitude); console.log("Maps cannot be reached at this time.")


For detailed information on the available methods for Places, see the Places JavaScript API.

Additional resources

For information about how to create a coach or page, see Building coaches.
For information about standard properties (General, Configuration, Positioning, Visibility, and HTML Attributes), see View properties.

For information about associated geographical views, see Geo coder, Geo location, Map, and OpenLayers API.