Masked text

Requires users to enter text that must comply with a specified format. For example, a postal code or credit card number.

You can bind this view to a String variable. You can also define behavior and appearance configuration properties.

Configuration properties

Under Configuration, set or modify the appearance and behavior properties for the view.

Screen size
A configuration property that has the Screen Sizes icon The Screen Sizes icon beside the property name can have different values for each screen size. If you do not set a value, the screen size inherits the value of the next larger screen size as its default value.
Theme definitions
Theme definitions specify the colors and styles for a view and determine its appearance. You can preview the look and feel of views in the theme editor. See Themes.
The appearance configuration properties for the Masked text view are shown in the following table:
Table 1. Appearance configuration properties for Masked text
Appearance configuration property Description Data type
Monospace Prevents the mask from moving as the text is entered. Boolean
Width The Screen Sizes icon The width of the view. You can specify the width in px (pixels), % (percent), or em units. For example, 50px, 20%, or 0.4em. If a unit type is not specified, px is assumed. String
Size style The Screen Sizes icon Specifies the size of the masked text. String
Label placement Large screen icon Specifies the label placement relative to the contained text: Top or Left.

The default label placement is Top.

Label width Large screen icon The width of the label. You can specify the width in px (pixels), % (percent), or em units. For example, 50px, 20%, or 0.4em. If a unit type is not specified, px is assumed. String
The behavior configuration properties for the Masked text view are listed in the following table:
Table 2. Behavior configuration properties for Masked text
Behavior configuration property Description Data type
Tab index Defines the index of the tabulation sequence through fields. Tab indexes start at 1. You can add them sparsely, for example 1, 5, 10. Integer
Placeholder text Provides the placeholder text that is displayed when no value was entered. In most cases, this placeholder text is the same as the mask text. String
Mask To indicate what type of characters can be entered, use the # sign for numeric characters and the a letter for alphabetical characters.
Tip: The question mark (?) is a reserved character, and the characters that follow a question mark are optional.
Auto clear invalid text Select this option to have invalid text removed automatically. Boolean

Example of a numeric Masked text view

To create a view for a phone number, set the configuration properties as follows.
  1. In the Appearance part of the Configuration window, set Width to 200 px, Size style to Large, and Label placement to Top.
  2. In the Behavior part, set the Placeholder text to a fake phone number that complies with the dialing conventions of your location, for example (555) 555 - 5555 and in the Mask field, enter a string of # characters on the same pattern, for example (###) ### - ####.

    Leave the other options blank.

Example of an alphabetical Masked text view

To create a view for a state value, set the configuration properties as follows.
  1. In the Appearance part of the Configuration window, set Width to 200 px, Size style to Large, and Label placement to Top.
  2. In the Behavior part, set the Placeholder text to State and in the Mask field, enter aa.

    Leave the other options blank.


Set or modify the event handlers for the view in the Events tab. You can set events to be triggered programmatically or when a user interacts with the view. For information about how to define and code events, see User-defined events.
For the Masked text view, you can activate the following types of event handlers:
  • On load when the page loads, for example me.setMask(${CountryCodeData}.getValue() == "uk" ? "(###) ####-####" : (###) ###-####)
  • On change when the data in the view is modified, for example me.setValid(@validNumber(newText),"Please enter a valid phone number")
  • On focus when the view gets focus, for example me.setSizeStyle("L")
  • On blur when the user clicks or tabs away from the view, for example me.setSizeStyle("D")
  • On input when the user enters data in the view, for example return potential.substr(0,3) != "555"


For more information about the available methods, see the Masked text JavaScript API.

Additional resources

For information about how to create a coach or page, see Building coaches.
For information about standard properties (General, Configuration, Positioning, Visibility, and HTML Attributes), see View properties.