Manage Team

Use the Manage Team view to control the access to case instances.

This view helps to control the security of a particular case. You can set the team members as owners who can access and control a case.

To add members to a case team:
  1. Click Manage Team.
  2. Select a role from the Roles list.
  3. Select a user from the Available list. The available users are the people who are assigned to the selected role in the solution.
  4. Click the Add button.
    Note: Click the Make Owner button to make the selected user a team owner.
Tip: You can add yourself as a team member by clicking the Add me button at the top-right of the Members list.
  • If you are creating the team for a case, then you are automatically added as an owner of that case team.
  • As an owner, you cannot remove yourself from the owners' list; Only another case owner can remove you from the list.
  • If you are only member of the team and not an owner, you have a read access and cannot modify the case membership.

Configuration properties

Table 1. Manage Team view
Property Description Data type
Target Object Store Name The repository name that the view needs to connect. String
Case Identifier The Case Identifier of the case instance needed by the view. String
Get Repository Name Service Service to retrieve the repository name that is associated with the case activity. String
Initial size The initial number of rows that are displayed against each of the columns in the Manage team dialog box. Default: When no value is specified, 5 rows are displayed. Number
Hide Manage team Button To hide the default Manage team button from the Case Details page. Boolean
Color style To change the button color style.  
Shape style To change the button shape style.  
Size To change the button size style.  
Outline only To use an outline only appearance for the button. Boolean
Icon To change the button appearance to an icon. String
Width To change the width of the button. String
Icon location The location of the inout icon.  
Ghost style To change the button appearance with no solid fill (the body of the button adopts the look of the background). Boolean
Additional resources
For more information about how to create a coach or page, see Building coaches.
For more information about standard properties (General, Configuration, Positioning, Visibility, and HTML Attributes), see View properties. For other UI views, see UI toolkit.