Get Case Instance Object service

The Get Case Instance Object Service is used to fetch the case instance metadata by using a service call. This service is used internally by the Case views and in the custom client-side human services for Case Details.

The following input, output mapping, and structure tables help you to use the service properly.

Table 1. Input mapping for Get Case Instance Object service
Name Description Data type
caseId The case instance ID that is passed as input to the Get Case Instance Object service. Map this config option to tw.local.caseId. String
tosName The target object store name that is passed as input to the Create Case service. Map this config option to tw.local.tosName. String
Table 2. Output mapping for Get Case Instance Object service
Name Description Data type
result The result of type CaseObject that receives the output from the execution of the Get Case Instance Object Service. Map the output result(CaseObject) to tw.local.caseInstance CaseObject Any
Table 3. Structure of the CaseObject returned by Get Case Instance Object service
Name Description Data type
caseId The Case identifier of the new case. String
tosName The target object store name where the new case belongs to. String
caseTitleProperty The Case Title Property of the fetched case instance. String
caseTypeName The case type name of the case instance that you query. String
isAutoLaunch The property that indicates whether the new case must be opened automatically after creation. Boolean
errorString The Create Case service error message that appears when the service fails to create the case. String
messageString The message that the service creates upon successful execution of the service, which can be used to broadcast a message back to the Case Client or Workplace. For example, this message can be bound as data to the end node. String
modified Date: The last modified date of the Case instance. String
healthIndicator The health of the Case instance, if case health is configured. String
caseClientURI The base URI of the Case Client that can be used internally by the associated views. String
caseState The state of the case instance. String
isPropertiesDirty: The property that indicates whether the Case properties were modified. Boolean


The repository name mapping that represents the Target Object Store in Content Navigator. This is used internally by the Case Views for building the Daeja Viewer URL to view case documents by using Daeja Viewer. String


The Case Type Symbolic name of the case instance internally used by the view. String


Copy of the Case Properties content object that is used for comparing with the changed values in the Case Properties to filter out only the modified properties that need saving. ANY


GraphQL Servers end-point URL, which can be internally used by the associated views. This value is available, if GraphQL Server is available and configured. On Traditional WebSphere Application Server, this parameter gets its value if it is set in the configuration that uses the setBPMExternalECM or updateBPMExternalECM admin commands. On CP4BA, this value is automatically set, if GraphQL is part of the Cloud Pack for Business Automation. String
solutionPrefix The prefix of the solution that is being deployed. String
solutionName The name of the solution that is being deployed. String
currentRole The current Role of the logged in user. String
isCaseOwner The property that indicates whether the user is a case owner. Boolean