Get Case Calendar Events service

Retrieves case-related calendar events for Case Stages or quick task due dates.

The following parameters can be used in Get Case Calendar Events service.

Table 1. Get Case Calendar Events service
Name Description Data type
input data Any
output result List of CalendarEvent
Table 2. Calendar Event is of complex type which consist of the following service names
Name Description Data type
title Title of the Calendar event. String
start (Date of ISO STANDAR format YYYY-MM-DD) - when an event begins. String
end (Date of ISO STANDAR format YYYY-MM-DD) - when an event ends. It could be null if an end was not specified. This value is exclusive. For example, an event with the end of 2018-09-03 that appears to span through 2018-09-02 but end before the start of 2018-09-03. String
extendedProps A plain object holding miscellaneous other properties specified. Any
allDay (true or false). Determines if the event is shown in the "all-day" section of relevant views. In addition, if true the time text is not displayed with the event. Boolean
backgroundColor The event background color override for this specific event. String
textColor The event Text Color override for this specific event. String