Case History

You can use the Case History view to display the history of the case.

When the Case History view is used in the context of the process user task page, it configures itself based on the parent case, without specifying the case identifier and the target object store name in the view’s configuration.

Configuration properties

Set or modify configuration properties for the view in the Configuration properties tab.
Table 1. Case History view
Property Description Data type
Case Identifier The case identifier is a mandatory option that needs to be bound to the input variable caseId. String
Target Object Store Name The target object store name is a mandatory option that needs to be bound to the input variable tosName. String
Edit title Allows to edit the title of this view. Any
Hide title Allows to hide the title as an option. Any
Is Case Client The option set to indicate whether the view is used in the context of Case Client or Workplace. Boolean
Get Repository Name Service Service to retrieve the repository name that is associated to the case instance. String
Initial Size Initial number of table rows to display. Integer

The detailed state changes for case stages are not listed in the Case History view due to the default filter set to “All”. To view the detailed case stage state changes, select the “Stages” filter. The view also does not display the completed state of a case.

Additional resources
For more information about how to create a coach or page, see Building coaches.
For more information about standard properties (General, Configuration, Positioning, Visibility, and HTML Attributes), see View properties. For other UI views, see UI toolkit.