Case Folder

The Case Folder view displays documents and folders that are pertaining to the case instance in the target object store. If you are authorized, then you can search, create, delete, and rename folders. You can also upload, view, check out, and remove documents.
You can configure the Case Folder view so that users can add, view, or delete individual folders, and add, view, check out, download, and remove documents. The Case Folder view uses services to use these functions.
  • When you open a coach that contains a Case Folder instance, the instance displays the contents of its case root folder as specified by the configuration options. This root folder is named Documents. However, the Case Folder displays this name in a breadcrumb trail when you are browsing one of its subfolders. The root folder for a Case Folder instance is specific to that instance. The root folder for the Case Folder is specified directly by binding the input variables caseId and tosName to the respective configuration options.
The root folder contains folders and documents (files and their associated properties). The actual content that any individual user can see in the Case Folder and what that user can do with the content depends on the permissions that the user has in the content management system. Assuming that they have the appropriate permissions, users can add new folders and documents. From the action menu of a folder or document, users can select an action to perform on that folder or document.

When Case Folder view is used in the context of the process user task page, the view configures itself based on the parent case, without specifying the Case identifier and target object store name in the view’s configuration.

Configuration properties

Set or modify configuration properties for the view in the Configuration properties tab.
Table 1. Case Folder view
Property Description Data type
Case Identifier The Case Identifier is a mandatory option that needs to be bound to the input variable caseId. String
Target Object Store Name The target object store name is a mandatory option that needs to be bound to the input variable tosName. String
Edit title Allows to edit the title of this view. Any
Hide title Allows to hide the title as an option. Any
Get Repository Name Service Service to retrieve the repository name that is associated to the case instance. String
Additional resources
For more information about how to create a coach or page, see Building coaches.
For more information about standard properties (General, Configuration, Positioning, Visibility, and HTML Attributes), see View properties. For other UI views, see UI toolkit.


The Case Folder view has an event handler On Document Clicked, which is prefilled with an event action to help in previewing the documents if the document can be viewed in a browser. Otherwise, it would allow the document content to be downloaded.

  • To view documents in the Document Explorer view for upgraded solution by using custom view, update the On custom view event of the Document Explorer view with the following script:
var isCaseClient = ${GetIsCaseClient}.getValue();

if(isCaseClient == true) {
	// This would open the document in Navigator viewer only for Case Client.
	var docObject = {};
	var frameURL= null;
	var CaseClientTabID = null;
	if("idd_")){ ="_")[1];
		windowURL= frameURL.split('&tw.local.caseDetailsClientTabID=');
		caseClientTabID= windowURL[1].split('&');
		docObject.pageId = caseClientTabID[0];
	docObject.caseAction = "documentClicked";
	this.context.broadcastMessage (docObject);
else {
	// This would open the document in native browser for browser supported mime types, '_blank')
  • If a process page containing Document explorer view is accessed from Case Client, then the following script needs to be updated to the On custom view event:
var docObject = {};
    var frameURL= null;
    var zTaskId = null;
    if("idd_")){ ="_")[1];
        windowURL= frameURL.split('&zTaskId=');
        zTaskId= windowURL[1].split('&');
        docObject.taskId = zTaskId[0];
    docObject.taskAction = "documentClicked";
    this.context.broadcastMessage (docObject);
  • If a process page containing Document explorer view is accessed from Workplace, then the following script needs to be updated to the On custom view event:, '_blank');

Document management security has been enhanced so that only documents of specified MIME types are allowed to be uploaded. To know the default MIME types supported and to add more MIME types, see Configuring document management security.