REST interface for BPD-related resources - Task Instance Query Entity List Resource - GET Method [deprecated]

This function is deprecated. Use the Saved Search Execution API. /rest/bpm/wle/v1/tasks
Note: This method is deprecated and is not available on a container environment.

Sample method invocation

GET /rest/bpm/wle/v1/tasks/query/{queryName}[?selectedAttributes={string}][&interactionFilter={string}][&queryFilter={string}][&searchFilter={string}][&processAppName={string}][&sortAttributes={string}][&offset={integer}][&size={integer}][&filterByCurrentUser={boolean}]

Usage Notes


Optional parameters
NameValue TypeDescription
selectedAttributes string
Comma-separated list of attributes that should be retrieved by the query. If no attributes are specified, all the attributes that are defined on the query are returned. Attribute names should be specified in uppercase.
interactionFilter string
Name of a predefined user interaction.

Note: Using any of the interactionFilter values implies that the query filters by the current user, even if the user has IBM Business Automation Workflow Administrator rights on the server. The effect is the same as if the filterByCurrentUser parameter is set to true.

Work on tasks. This implies the retrieval of tasks that are already claimed by the current user. Tasks contained in suspended process instances are excluded.
Work on tasks, same as WORK_ON.
Assess available tasks. This implies the retrieval of tasks that can be claimed by the current user. Tasks contained in suspended process instances are excluded.
Assess and work on tasks. This implies the retrieval of tasks as implied by the WORK_ON or the ASSESS_AVAILABLE filter values.
Work on tasks. This implies the retrieval of completed tasks that are claimed by the current user.
Administer tasks. This implies the retrieval of tasks belonging to instances that are administered by the current user.
Browse all tasks. This implies the retrieval of to-do, collaboration, and invocation tasks that the current user is allowed to see.
queryFilter string
A query table condition language expression (WHERE clause) that performs additional filtering on the result set. All attributes defined on the query can be referenced. Note: You can't use unary operators such as: 'IS NULL' or 'IS NOT NULL' on searchable business variables. Instead you can use the following expressions: '=null' or '<>null'.
searchFilter string
A search expression used as input to the search engine. For a user with IBM Business Automation Workflow Administrator rights on the server, this parameter returns results only if the interactionFilter parameter is specified or if the filterByCurrentUser parameter is set to true. Otherwise an error occurs.
processAppName string
Name of the process application, used for additional filtering.
sortAttributes string
Comma-separated list of sort criteria applied to the list of returned process instance entities. Each list entry has the form attribute [ASC|DESC] where the ascending order is the default order. The attributes TAD_DESCRIPTION, STATE, and KIND cannot be used within sort criteria.
offset integer
Specifies the index (origin 0) of the first entity to be returned from the query result set. Offset 0 refers to the first entity from the result set. Offset 1 refers to the second entity, and so on. If no index is specified, the default value is 0.
size integer
Specifies the maximum number of entities to be returned. If this number is not specified, the default size defined for the query is used.
filterByCurrentUser boolean

This parameter is a flag that indicates whether the search results should be restricted to the entities that are associated with the current user. A value of false means that an unfiltered search is performed, whereas a value of true indicates that the search results are filtered by the current user. If the current user has IBM Business Automation Workflow Administrator rights on the server, the default value is false, but if an interactionFilter value is applied, a filtered search is performed. If the current user does not have IBM Business Automation Workflow Administrator rights, this parameter is ignored and a filtered search is performed. If the parameter is not specified, the default value is false.

Note 1: This parameter is used only when the request is executed by a user who belongs to IBM Business Automation Workflow security group, otherwise it is ignored.

Note 2: In new client implementations, use the interactionFilter=ADMINISTER parameter setting.

Request content


Response content

List of human task entities (QueryResultSet complexType).

The default content type is application/json.

MIME type: application/json

{  "description": "WLE Query Result Set", 
   "type": "object",
   {  "identifier" : {"type": "string",
         "description": "Name of query result set attribute identifying an entity."
      "query": {"type": "string",
         "description": "Name of the query that is associated with this query result set."
      "entityTypeName": {"type": "string",
         "description": "Type of entities that are returned as the result of the query."
      [  {  "name": {"type": "string",
               "description": "Attribute name."
            "type": {"type": "string",
               "description": "Attribute type."
            "isArray": {"type": "boolean",
               "description": "Specifies whether the attribute has an array of values."
            "content": {"type": "string",
               "description": "A string that identifies attributes with a well-known value range."
            "sourceAttribute": {"type": "string",
               "description": "The related query table and attribute which provides this attributes' information."
            "sourceQueryTableIdentifier": {"type": "string", "optional": true,
               "description": "The ID of the source attribute's table, as defined in the query table definition."
      "offset": {"type": "integer",
         "description": "The offset value that was specified on the original request. This value represents the index (within the overall query result set) of the first item being returned"
      "size": {"type": "integer",
         "description": "The number of items being returned"
      "requestedSize": {"type": "integer",
         "description": "The number of items requested in the original request"
      "totalCount": {"type": "integer",
         "description": "Total number of results"
      "countLimitExceeded": {"type": "boolean",
         "description": "True if total number of results exceeds a search limit and is actually unknown"
      "countLimit": {"type": "integer",
         "description": "Specifies the search limit used if any or 0 if it's not set"
      [  {  "type": "object",
            "description": "Entities contained in this query result set; list of attribute names and values, as selected by selectedAttributes, plus the entities' key (using its source attribute name)."
Example content
            "NAME":"Submit job requisition",
            "PI_DISPLAY_NAME":"Employee Requisition for (53)",
            "TAD_DISPLAY_NAME":"Task: Submit requisition",
            "PI_NAME":"Employee Requisition for (53)",
            "TAD_DESCRIPTION":"Task: Submit requisition",
            "NAME":"Submit job requisition",
            "PI_DISPLAY_NAME":"Employee Requisition for (54)",
            "TAD_DISPLAY_NAME":"Task: Submit requisition",
            "PI_NAME":"Employee Requisition for (54)",
            "TAD_DESCRIPTION":"Task: Submit requisition",
            "TAD_DISPLAY_NAME":"Submit Requisition",
            "TAD_DISPLAY_NAME":"Submit Requisition",
            "TAD_DISPLAY_NAME":"Submit Requisition",

MIME type: application/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema targetNamespace=""
	elementFormDefault="unqualified" xmlns=""
	xmlns:tns="" xmlns:cmn=""

	<import schemaLocation="Common.xsd" namespace="" />
	<import schemaLocation="BPMRestData.xsd" namespace="" />

	<!-- This type is used to return a list of saved queries. -->
	<complexType name="QueryList">
			<extension base="pref:Data">
					<element name="identifier" type="string" />

					<!-- This is a list of zero or more saved queries -->
					<element name="items" type="tns:QueryItem" minOccurs="0"
						maxOccurs="unbounded" />

	<!-- This type represents a single saved query. -->
	<complexType name="QueryItem">

			<!-- The name of the query -->
			<element name="name" type="string" />

			<!-- The display name associated with the query; this will contain the 
				same value as the name -->
			<element name="displayName" type="string" />

			<!-- The query's description -->
			<element name="description" type="string" />

			<!-- The "kind" associated with the query; this will be set to "SAVED_SEARCH" -->
			<element name="kind" type="string" />

			<!-- The id number associated with a saved search -->
			<element name="savedSearchID" type="long" nillable="true" />

			<!-- The autorization type associated with the query; this will be set 
				to "INSTANCE_BASED" -->
			<element name="authorizationType" type="string" />

			<!-- This field indicates the type of objects are returned by this query. 
				This will be one of "PROCESS_INSTANCE", "TASK", "TASK_TEMPL". -->
			<element name="entityTypeName" type="string" />

			<!-- This field specifies the name of the attribute which serves as the 
				key for the objects returned by this query. -->
			<element name="keyAttribute" type="string" />

			<!-- not used -->
			<element name="locales" type="string" minOccurs="0"
				maxOccurs="unbounded" />

			<!-- The pre-selected sort attributes for the query. -->
			<element name="sortAttributes" type="tns:SortAttribute"
				minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />

			<!-- The pre-predefined size of items to be retrieved. -->
			<element name="size" type="integer" nillable="true" />
	<!-- This type is used to return the stats for rows (items) in the result 
		set that would be returned by executing a particular saved query. -->
	<complexType name="QueryStats">

			<!-- The size of the result set (number of rows) -->
			<element name="total" type="integer" />
			<element name="open" type="integer" />
			<element name="onTrack" type="integer" />
			<element name="atRisk" type="integer" />
			<element name="overdue" type="integer" />
<!-- comment out these two elements since not used by any code, so it means they are not part of 
     response since day one.
			<element name="active" type="integer" />
			<element name="completed" type="integer" />

	<!-- This type is used to return the set of attributes (data columns) that 
		would be returned as the result of executing a particular saved query. -->
	<complexType name="QueryAttributes">
			<extension base="pref:Data">
					<element name="identifier" type="string" />

					<!-- The name of the query associated with this set of attributes -->
					<element name="query" type="string" />

					<!-- The diplay name of the query; this is the same value as the name -->
					<element name="displayName" type="string" />

					<!-- not used -->
					<element name="description" type="string" />

					<!-- The "kind" associated with the query; this will be set to "SAVED_SEARCH" -->
					<element name="kind" type="string" />

					<!-- The autorization type associated with the query. This will be set 
						to one of: "INSTANCE_BASED", "ROLE_BASED" -->
					<element name="authorizationType" type="string" />

					<!-- This field indicates the type of objects returned by this query. 
						This will be one of "PROCESS_INSTANCE", "TASK", "TASK_TEMPL". -->
					<element name="entityTypeName" type="string" />

					<!-- This field specifies the name of the attribute which serves as 
						the key for the objects returned by this query. -->
					<element name="keyAttribute" type="string" />

					<!-- not used -->
					<element name="locales" type="string" minOccurs="0"
						maxOccurs="unbounded" />

					<!-- The pre-selected sort attributes for the query. -->
					<element name="sortAttributes" type="tns:SortAttribute"
						minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />

					<!-- The pre-predefined size of items to be retrieved. -->
					<element name="size" type="integer" nillable="true" />

					<!-- A list of zero or more attributes -->
					<element name="items" type="tns:QueryAttributeItem"
						minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />


	<!-- This type describes a single attribute that would be returned as the 
		result of executing a particular saved query. -->
	<complexType name="QueryAttributeItem">

			<!-- The attribute name -->
			<element name="name" type="string" />

			<!-- A localized display name for the attribute -->
			<element name="displayName" type="string" />

			<!-- not used -->
			<element name="description" type="string" />

			<!-- The attribute's datatype -->
			<element name="type" type="string" />

			<!-- not used; set to false -->
			<element name="isArray" type="boolean" />

			<!-- The related query and attribute which provides this attributes' information -->
			<element name="sourceAttribute" type="string" />

			<!-- A string that identifies attributes with a well-known value range -->
			<element name="content" type="string" />

			<!-- The ID of the source attribute's table, as defined in the query table 
				definition -->
			<element name="sourceQueryTableIdentifier" type="string" />

			<!-- Specifies whether the attribute can be used as a sort attribute -->
			<element name="isSortable" type="boolean" minOccurs="0"
				maxOccurs="1" default="true" />

			<!-- Specifies whether the attribute can be used as a filter attribute -->
			<element name="isFilterable" type="boolean" minOccurs="0"
				maxOccurs="1" default="true" />


	<!-- This type is used to return the results of executing a particular saved 
		query. -->
	<complexType name="QueryResultSet">
			<extension base="pref:Data">

					<!-- The key attribute associated with this set of query results. This 
						will depend on the type of objects being returned by the query, and will 
					<element name="identifier" type="string" />

					<!-- The name of the saved query for which these results were generated -->
					<element name="query" type="string" />

					<!-- This field indicates the type of objects are returned by this query. 
						This will be one of "PROCESS_INSTANCE", "TASK", "TASK_TEMPL". -->
					<element name="entityTypeName" type="string" />

					<!-- The list of attributes (columns) returned by this query -->
					<element name="attributeInfo" type="tns:AttributeInfo"
						minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />

					<!-- The offset value that was specified on the original request. This 
						value represents the index (within the overall query result set) of the first 
						item being returned. -->
					<element name="offset" type="integer" />

					<!-- The number of items being returned -->
					<element name="size" type="integer" />

					<!-- The number of items requested in the original request -->
					<element name="requestedSize" type="integer" />

					<!-- Total number of results -->
					<element name="totalCount" type="integer" />
					<!-- True if total number of results exceeds a search limit and is actually 
						unknown -->
					<element name="countLimitExceeded" type="boolean" />
					<!-- Specifies the search limit used if any or 0 if it's not set -->
					<element name="countLimit" type="integer" />

					<!-- The set of results returned by this query. This is represented 
						as a list of zero or more "items", where each item represents a row in the 
						result set. Each item is represented by a Map, where the Map contains the 
						various columns of data associated with that item (row). -->
					<element name="items" type="cmn:Map" minOccurs="0"
						maxOccurs="unbounded" />
					<element name="stats" type="tns:QueryStats" />

	<!-- This type contains the information for a single attribute that is returned 
		as the result of executing a saved query. -->
	<complexType name="AttributeInfo">

			<!-- The name of the attribute -->
			<element name="name" type="string" />

			<!-- The datatype of the attribute -->
			<element name="type" type="string" />

			<!-- A string that identifies attributes with a well-known value range -->
			<element name="content" type="string" />

			<!-- not used; set to false -->
			<element name="isArray" type="boolean" />

			<!-- The related query and attribute which provides this attributes' information -->
			<element name="sourceAttribute" type="string" />

			<!-- The ID of the source attribute's table, as defined in the query table 
				definition -->
			<element name="sourceQueryTableIdentifier" type="string" />

	<!-- This type is used to return the number of rows (items) in the result 
		set that would be returned by executing a particular saved query. -->
	<complexType name="QueryResultSetCount">
			<extension base="pref:Data">

					<!-- The size of the result set (number of rows) -->
					<element name="count" type="integer" />
	<!-- A container used to describe a sort attribute by its name and sort 
		order. -->
	<complexType name="SortAttribute">
			<element name="name" type="string" />
			<element name="sourceAttribute" type="string" />
			<element name="sortOrder" type="string" /> <!-- ASC, DESC -->
	<complexType name="ProcessInstanceCount">
			<extension base="pref:Data">
					<element name="overview" type="cmn:Map"/>
Example content
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<bpm:ResponseData xmlns:bpm=''>
  <data xmlns:xsi='' xmlns:qry='' xsi:type='qry:QueryResultSet'>
      <item key='TASK.TKIID'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>53</value>
      <item key='SNAPSHOT_NAME'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>1.0.1</value>
      <item key='PROCESS_APP_ACRONYM'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>BPMRES1</value>
      <item key='PI_PIID'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>53</value>
      <item key='TKIID'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>53</value>
      <item key='PI_DISPLAY_NAME'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>Employee Requisition for (53)</value>
      <item key='TAD_DISPLAY_NAME'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>Task: Submit requisition</value>
      <item key='SNAPSHOT_ID'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>2064.73dd1d1a-b533-46ef-ba79-c94cb3b0de87</value>
      <item key='PRIORITY'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:int'>30</value>
      <item key='OWNER'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>tw_user</value>
      <item key='KIND'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>KIND_PARTICIPATING</value>
      <item key='ORIGINATOR'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>tw_admin</value>
      <item key='DUE'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>2011-04-28T04:20:12Z</value>
      <item key='CONTAINMENT_CTX_ID'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>53</value>
      <item key='NAME'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>Submit job requisition</value>
      <item key='STATE'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>STATE_CLAIMED</value>
      <item key='PT_PTID'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>25.8403dd37-e049-46f5-8952-b7a46f0d198f</value>
      <item key='PI_NAME'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>Employee Requisition for (53)</value>
      <item key='STATUS'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>Received</value>
      <item key='ACTIVATED'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>2011-04-28T03:20:13Z</value>
      <item key='TAD_DESCRIPTION'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>Task: Submit requisition</value>
      <item key='TASK.TKIID'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>54</value>
      <item key='SNAPSHOT_NAME'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>1.0.1</value>
      <item key='PROCESS_APP_ACRONYM'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>BPMRES1</value>
      <item key='PI_PIID'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>54</value>
      <item key='TKIID'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>54</value>
      <item key='PI_DISPLAY_NAME'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>Employee Requisition for (54)</value>
      <item key='TAD_DISPLAY_NAME'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>Task: Submit requisition</value>
      <item key='SNAPSHOT_ID'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>2064.73dd1d1a-b533-46ef-ba79-c94cb3b0de87</value>
      <item key='PRIORITY'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:int'>30</value>
      <item key='OWNER'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>tw_user</value>
      <item key='KIND'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>KIND_PARTICIPATING</value>
      <item key='ORIGINATOR'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>tw_admin</value>
      <item key='DUE'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>2011-04-28T04:23:43Z</value>
      <item key='CONTAINMENT_CTX_ID'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>54</value>
      <item key='NAME'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>Submit job requisition</value>
      <item key='STATE'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>STATE_CLAIMED</value>
      <item key='PT_PTID'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>25.8403dd37-e049-46f5-8952-b7a46f0d198f</value>
      <item key='PI_NAME'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>Employee Requisition for (54)</value>
      <item key='STATUS'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>Received</value>
      <item key='ACTIVATED'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>2011-04-28T03:23:43Z</value>
      <item key='TAD_DESCRIPTION'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>Task: Submit requisition</value>
      <item key='TASK.TKIID'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>55</value>
      <item key='SNAPSHOT_NAME' />
      <item key='PROCESS_APP_ACRONYM' />
      <item key='PI_PIID' />
      <item key='TKIID'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>55</value>
      <item key='PI_DISPLAY_NAME' />
      <item key='TAD_DISPLAY_NAME'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>Submit Requisition</value>
      <item key='SNAPSHOT_ID' />
      <item key='PRIORITY'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:int'>30</value>
      <item key='OWNER'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>tw_user</value>
      <item key='KIND'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>KIND_ORIGINATING</value>
      <item key='ORIGINATOR'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>tw_user</value>
      <item key='DUE'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>2011-05-03T19:43:47Z</value>
      <item key='CONTAINMENT_CTX_ID' />
      <item key='NAME' />
      <item key='STATE'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>STATE_RUNNING</value>
      <item key='PT_PTID' />
      <item key='PI_NAME' />
      <item key='STATUS'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>New</value>
      <item key='ACTIVATED'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>2011-04-28T19:43:47Z</value>
      <item key='TAD_DESCRIPTION' />
      <item key='TASK.TKIID'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>56</value>
      <item key='SNAPSHOT_NAME' />
      <item key='PROCESS_APP_ACRONYM' />
      <item key='PI_PIID' />
      <item key='TKIID'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>56</value>
      <item key='PI_DISPLAY_NAME' />
      <item key='TAD_DISPLAY_NAME'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>Submit Requisition</value>
      <item key='SNAPSHOT_ID' />
      <item key='PRIORITY'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:int'>30</value>
      <item key='OWNER'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>tw_user</value>
      <item key='KIND'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>KIND_ORIGINATING</value>
      <item key='ORIGINATOR'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>tw_user</value>
      <item key='DUE'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>2011-05-03T21:10:44Z</value>
      <item key='CONTAINMENT_CTX_ID' />
      <item key='NAME' />
      <item key='STATE'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>STATE_RUNNING</value>
      <item key='PT_PTID' />
      <item key='PI_NAME' />
      <item key='STATUS'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>New</value>
      <item key='ACTIVATED'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>2011-04-28T21:10:44Z</value>
      <item key='TAD_DESCRIPTION' />
      <item key='TASK.TKIID'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>57</value>
      <item key='SNAPSHOT_NAME' />
      <item key='PROCESS_APP_ACRONYM' />
      <item key='PI_PIID' />
      <item key='TKIID'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>57</value>
      <item key='PI_DISPLAY_NAME' />
      <item key='TAD_DISPLAY_NAME'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>Submit Requisition</value>
      <item key='SNAPSHOT_ID' />
      <item key='PRIORITY'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:int'>30</value>
      <item key='OWNER'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>tw_user</value>
      <item key='KIND'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>KIND_ORIGINATING</value>
      <item key='ORIGINATOR'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>tw_user</value>
      <item key='DUE'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>2011-05-03T21:12:29Z</value>
      <item key='CONTAINMENT_CTX_ID' />
      <item key='NAME' />
      <item key='STATE'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>STATE_RUNNING</value>
      <item key='PT_PTID' />
      <item key='PI_NAME' />
      <item key='STATUS'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>New</value>
      <item key='ACTIVATED'>
        <value xmlns:ns5='' xsi:type='ns5:string'>2011-04-28T21:12:29Z</value>
      <item key='TAD_DESCRIPTION' />

MIME type: application/x-javascript

Error Response content

Detailed error information.

The default content type is application/json.

MIME type: application/json

{  "description": "WLE Error Response", 
   "type": "object",
   {  "status": {"type": "string",
         "description": "The status of the previous API call."
      "exceptionType": {"type": "string",
         "description": "The classname associated with the exception."
      "errorNumber": {"type": "string",
         "description": "Message ID of the exception."
      "errorMessage": {"type": "string",
         "description": "Message text of the exception."
      "errorMessageParameters": {"type": ["string"], "optional": true,
         "description":"Message text parameters of the exception."
      "programmersDetails": {"type": "object", "optional": true,
         "description":"Additional exception details, for example, a stack trace."

MIME type: application/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema targetNamespace=""
	elementFormDefault="unqualified" xmlns=""

    <import schemaLocation="BPMRestData.xsd" namespace="" />
	This type represents an error response.
    <element name="RestRuntimeException">
		<element name="status" type="string"/>
		<element name="Data" type="tns:ExceptionData">

	 This type contains detailed error information associated with an exception.
    <complexType name="ExceptionData">
	    <element name="status" type="string"/>

	    <!-- This specifies the java class name of the exception -->
	    <element name="exceptionType" type="string"/>

	    <!-- The message ID of the error message -->
	    <element name="errorNumber" type="string" minOccurs="0"/>

	    <!-- The complete error message -->
	    <element name="errorMessage" type="string"/>

	    <!-- The list of strings inserted into the error message -->
	    <element name="errorMessageParameters" type="string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

		 The stacktrace associated with the exception.
		 Note that this will be omitted unless the "server-stacktrace-enabled" property
		 is enabled in the server's 100Custom.xml file.
	    <element name="programmersDetails" type="string"></element>
	    <!-- Prior responses.  Set if a bulk command was used -->
	    <element name="responses" type="dat:BulkCommandResponses" minOccurs="0"></element>

            <element name="errorData" type="tns:ErrorData" minOccurs="0" />

    <complexType name="ErrorData">
            <element name="code" type="string" />
            <element name="data" type="string" minOccurs="0" />

MIME type: application/x-javascript

Status codes

The method returns one of the following status codes:
200 OK
Successful completion - requested data returned. Note that the list might be empty.
400 Bad RequestThe parameters are not valid or they are missing.
401 UnauthorizedThe caller is not authorized for this request.
404 Not Found
The query does not exist.
406 Not AcceptableThe requested content type or content encoding is not supported.
500 Internal Server ErrorA severe problem has occurred, programmer's details are provided.

Change History

The following changes have been applied to this method:
A new parameter has been added to this method to allow additional filtering by using a process application name.
  • "processAppName"

Available since


Parent Topic: Task Instance Query Entity List Resource