Tuning IBM WebSphere Liberty for FileNet Content Manager components

You can tune WebSphere® Liberty to improve container performance. You create XML override files to create these tuning updates.

About this task

The XML files are placed onto the Liberty configuration volume that corresponds to the configDropins/overrides folder for WebSphere Liberty. For more information about the volumes and folders, see Creating volumes and folders for deployment.

Tip: Liberty processes the files in the configDropins/overrides in alphabetical order. A later configuration overrides an earlier one. As an example, if configDropins/defaults contains a.xml, b.xml and c.xml, the configuration from c.xml takes precedence over b.xml, and b.xml takes precedence over a.xml. Naming the XML file with the first letter as "z" as helps ensure that the new parameter values are applied by Liberty.


  • Tune WebSphere Liberty.

    For general tuning tips on WebSphere Application Server Liberty, see Tuning Liberty.

  • Reduce lightweight third-party authentication (LTPA) timeout errors.
    The LTPA timeout value for forwarded credentials between servers parameter setting specifies how long an LTPA token is valid (in minutes). The token contains the expiration time so that any server that receives the token can verify that the token is valid before it proceeds. When the defined amount of time is over, all user tokens expire regardless of session activity. Consider increasing the value when one or both of the following conditions occur.
    • Batch processes or other operations run uninterrupted for longer than the currently configured LTPA timeout value.
    • A message appears in the Liberty messages.log file or is returned to the client session to indicate that the LTPA token is expired.

    To adjust the LTPA expiration parameter value, add the following clause within the <server> </server> tags in a pre-existing overrides XML or a new overrides XML. The example shows a 10-minute timeout that is expressed as seconds:

      <ltpa expiration="600s"/>
  • Tune maxPoolSize for your data sources.

    The number of database client connections that are needed for your workload fluctuates over time, for example peak logged in users. Workload fluctuates in the short term (more users and batch document processing at end of month processing) and long term (more users from roll-outs or increased use of the system). It is advisable to monitor connection use and track the trends.

    For each pod, a number of running processes use database connections from the available pool of the Liberty connection manager. The size of the connection pool is controlled by the properties in the data source definition XML:

    The minimum number of available connections in the pool. The default is 0.
    The maximum number of available connections in the pool. The default is 50 for most of the data sources that are created by the operator.
    To adjust the maxPoolSize parameter value, add the following clause within <server> </server> tags in a pre-existing overrides XML or a new overrides XML. The example shows an adjustment to the maxPoolSize for one of the data sources that are created by the operator to connect to an object store database. You must include the id and jndiName for the data source to be overridden.
      <dataSource id="DESIGNDS" jndiName="DESIGNDS">
        <connectionManager maxPoolSize="100" />

    For more information, see Configuring connection pooling for database connections.

    The example does not show all of the required parameters. Samples of complete data source files for each of the FileNet® Content Manager containers can be found in the GitHub repository in /FNCM/configuration/CPE/configDropins/overrides.