Enabling detailed tracing on the Case event emitter

To help you troubleshoot any issue that might occur with the Case event emitter, you can enable detailed logging and tracing through the WebSphere® Application Server administration console.


  1. Open the WebSphere Application Server administration console.
  2. Select Troubleshooting > Logs and Trace.
  3. In the Logging and tracing section, select the appropriate application server, and then select Change log detail levels.
  4. Set the log level of the packages for the Case event emitter application to finest on the command line or through the graphical interface.
    • On the command line, enter the following lines on both the Configuration and Runtime pages.
      com.ibm.dba.bai.*=finest: com.ibm.oi.icm.*=finest
      Note: If some other tracing is already enabled, prefix the line with a colon (":").
    • Or use the graphical interface.
      1. Expand the Components and Groups section.
      2. Browse to the com.ibm.dba.bai and com.ibm.oi.icm packages.
      3. Right-click each package and select Message and Trace Levels > finest.


The traces are sent to a file named trace.log.