Enabling Business Automation Workflow Server or Authoring container logs

For troubleshooting, you can enable Business Automation Workflow container logs.


  1. To enable Business Automation Workflow container logs, use the following specification in the custom resource configuration, under baw_configuration for Workflow Runtime and under workflow_authoring_configuration for Workflow Authoring.
    - name: instance1
        console_format: “json”
        console_log_level: “INFO”
        console_source: “message,trace,accessLog,ffdc,audit”
        message_format: “basic”
        trace_format: “ENHANCED”
        trace_specification: “WLE.=all:com.ibm.bpm.=all:com.ibm.workflow.*=all”
  2. To see the logs, run the kubectl logs WORKFLOW_pod_name command, or log in to Business Automation Workflow.
    The following example shows how to check the Business Automation Workflow container logs:
    $ kubectl exec -it icp4adeploy-instance1-ibm-workflow-server-0 bash
    $ cat /logs/application/liberty-message.log

    Alternatively, you can see the logs in two ways:

    1. You can find the logs in your storage or Business Automation Workflow container log.
      Note: Use this option to collect log or trace files when you report issues to IBM.
      To copy the log or trace files from the pod to the local, run either of the following commands:
      • To copy individual liberty log files from the pod:
        kubectl cp <baw-namespace>/<baw-server-pod-name>:logs/application/<baw-server-pod-name>/liberty-message.log <local-path>/liberty-message.log
      • To copy all log or trace files from the pod to the local:
        kubectl cp <baw-namespace>/<baw-server-pod-name>:logs/application/<baw-server-pod-name> <local-path>
      To see the log or trace files from the storage, run the following commands:
      1. To see the name of the log persistent volume claim (PVC), run the following command:
        $ kubectl get pvc|grep logs-storage-pvc
      2. To see the name of the persistent volume (PV), run the following command:
        kubectl describe pvc pvc_name
      3. To see the folder path, run the following command:
        kubectl describe pv pv_name
      4. To check the Business Automation Workflow container log, see the example:
        $ kubectl exec -it icp4adeploy-instance1-ibm-workflow-server-0 bash  
        $ cat /logs/application/liberty-message.log
    2. You can run the command to check the log directly. The command output is in JSON format.
      kubectl logs WORKFLOW_pod_name