Customizing the Process Federation Server Liberty server trace setting

You can enable Process Federation Server container logs in the custom resource configuration and customize the trace setting.


  1. To customize the Process Federation Server Liberty server trace setting, use the following specification to enable Process Federation Server container logs in the custom resource configuration:
           console_format: "json"
           console_log_level: "INFO"
           console_source: "message,trace,accessLog,ffdc,audit"
           trace_format: "ENHANCED"
           trace_specification: "*=info"
  2. To see the logs, run the oc logs PFS_pod_name command to see the logs, or log into Process Federation Server.
    The following example shows how to check the Process Federation Server container logs:
    $ oc exec -it icp4adeploy-ibm-pfs-0 bash
    $ cat /logs/application/icp4adeploy-ibm-pfs-0/liberty-message.log