504 Gateway timeout error when applying an audit manifest, a security manifest, or deploying a solution

The following error occurs when applying an audit manifest, a security manifest, or deploying a solution, in the bawadmin client:

  • The audit manifest for the deployed solution could not be applied. FNRAM907
  • The audit manifest for the deployed solution could not be applied because of the following error: 504 Error 504 - Gateway Timeout


  1. Open the Cloud Pak for Business Automation custom resource for editing to increase the nginx server proxy timeout parameter values in the Zen extensions for the Content Platform Engine and Business Automation Navigator.
    oc edit icp4acluster -n <CP4BA project name>
    • Set the timeout parameters value to 1200 seconds. It prevents the 504 gateway timeout error if the application of the solution manifest is completed in 1200 seconds or less.
    • If the icp4acluster yaml does not have the navigator_configuration: or ecm_configuration: keys, then add it under spec:.
    • The default values of the timeout parameters are 300 seconds.
  2. Edit the navigator_configuration section by adding the following key-value pairs starting with zen_performance:
          proxy_connect_timeout: 1200
          proxy_send_timeout: 1200
          proxy_read_timeout: 1200
  3. Edit the ecm_configuration section by adding the following key-value pairs starting with zen_performance:
          proxy_connect_timeout: 1200
          proxy_send_timeout: 1200
          proxy_read_timeout: 1200