Completing the IBM Workflow Process Service Authoring upgrade

After you upgrade your deployment of IBM Workflow Process Service Authoring, you must verify that your upgraded application works with the rest of your container environment.


  1. Wait for about 45 minutes, depending on your computer's performance. You can see which images were recently pulled by running a command similar to the following command, where ${NAMESPACE} is your Cloud Pak for Business Automation namespace:
    for i in $(oc get pod -n ${NAMESPACE} --no-headers|awk '{print $1}') 
      oc describe pod $i| awk '/Pulled/{print "'$i'",$0}'
  2. To check the status of the pods, run the following command:
    oc get pods -n ${NAMESPACE}
  3. Log in to Business Automation Studio. To get the URL and the user credentials to log in, access the Config Maps from the OpenShift web console.
    1. Log in to your cluster web console.
    2. Select your namespace.
    3. In the left panel, select Workloads > Config Maps.
    4. Find cp4ba-access-info. You can get IBM Cloud Pak® dashboard information from bastudio-access-info.
    5. Access Business Automation Studio by using the URL in bastudio-access-info.