Working with linked processes

A process can call another process through a linked process activity. When the linked process activity is triggered at run time, the linked process is run. After the linked process is completed, the parent process resumes execution. When you group together related activities in a separate process, instead of in a subprocess, you can reuse that process in other processes that share that set of activities. For example, the steps for creating a customer account might be common to several different processes. If you group these steps together in a Create Customer Account process, you can use linked process activities to call this process from all processes that require it.

About this task

Linked processes encapsulate logically related steps within a process while retaining the high-level view of the parent process. However, linked processes differ from subprocesses because they can be accessed and instantiated from processes other than a single parent process. In previous product releases, linked processes were known as nested processes.


  1. Open the parent process.
  2. In the Definition page, add a linked process to the diagram.
  3. Select an existing process for the linked process to call, or create a new process. You can also dynamically call one of many linked processes at run time, depending on your needs, by using a variable defined in the parent process. See Calling a linked process dynamically.
  4. In the parent process, connect the linked process activity to other elements in the process flow.
  5. Variables in a linked process activity are local to the linked process. If you want to pass data into or out of a linked process activity, you must map the inputs and outputs of your linked process to the inputs and outputs of the linked process activity in the parent. Complete one of the following steps in the Data Mapping tab of the Properties view for the linked process activity:
    • If you declared variables in the parent process that have the same names and data types as the input and output variables in the linked process, use auto-mapping to have the inputs or outputs of the linked process automatically mapped to variable defined in the parent process.
    • If the variables declared in the parent process do not match the variables of the linked process inputs or outputs, you can manually select the variables to map.
  6. Click Save or Finish Editing.