Troubleshooting Business Automation Studio initialization

If you installed Business Automation Studio with Business Automation Workflow, and the Business Automation Studio bootstrap job process is slow in starting, the Business Automation Studio deployment and runtime pod might not be deployed on the first loop. You might experience issues such as a constant error pop-up when you access Business Automation Studio. You can wait for the Business Automation Studio bootstrap job to finish on the reconcile run, and then the deployment and pod will be installed and started.

You can also try the following workarounds:
  1. If you are using self-signed certificates, make sure that you have followed the post-deployment steps by visiting all the links and accepting the self-signed certificates. See the appropriate verification task under Completing post-installation tasks for Business Automation Workflow Authoring, Runtime, and Workstream Services.
  2. If you find the cr_name-workflow-authoring-baw-db-init-job-hash_value pod isn't in complete state for longer than 30 minutes, you can try to restart all the pods named cr_name-workflow-authoring-baw-server-number by deleting them with the command oc delete pod -l, Wait until the pod restarts and is back in ready state before you try again.