Optional: Customizing Business Automation Studio properties

You can make Liberty and 100Custom configuration changes to Business Automation Studio deployment. The settings can impact the designers and playback engines running inside the deployment, such as Application Designer, Workflow Authoring, and the playback server.

About this task

This task provides the generic methods for modifying Liberty and 100Custom configuration settings for Business Automation Studio deployment. The usage is generally paired with other documentation pages, which might describe a specific Liberty or 100Custom configuration setting that needs to be modified.

You can customize the following properties:
  • bastudio_configuration.custom_xml to customize the Business Automation Studio Liberty server. If the customization does not contain sensitive information, you can use this property to put the customization directly into the custom resource.
  • bastudio_configuration.custom_secret_name to customize the Business Automation Studio Liberty server if the customization contains sensitive information
  • bastudio_configuration.bastudio_custom_xml to customize Business Automation Studio Workflow Authoring 100custom.xml

To modify settings, use the method for Business Automation Studio Liberty configuration settings either in bastudio_configuration.custom_xml or in bastudio_configuration.custom_secret_name. Don't use both methods to specify configuration values.

This procedure is for customizing Business Automation Studio, Business Automation Workflow Authoring, and Workflow Process Service Authoring. To customize Business Automation Workflow Runtime, see Customizing Business Automation Workflow properties. To customize Workflow Process Service Runtime, see Customizing the Liberty configuration.


  1. To customize Business Automation Studio Liberty properties, create a valid XML snippet with the Liberty configuration customization that you want, starting with the <server> element.
    • If a password has a special character, you must encode it using XML special character encoding. See Special Characters in XML Documents.
    • Customization that conflicts with the product setup and requirements isn't supported.
    • To use a plain XML snippet, add it in the bastudio_configuration.custom_xml property. The settings will be merged into the Liberty settings for the component.
      The XML snippet must be in the <server> element, as shown in the following example.
            custom_xml: |+
                <!-- custom properties here -->
      For more information about Liberty customization, see Administering Liberty manually.
    • To use a secret, do the following steps.
      1. Create a customized XML file, such as custom.xml.
      2. Create a secret with the file, such as custom-liberty-xml-secret, using the following command:
        kubectl create secret generic custom-liberty-xml-secret --from-file=sensitiveCustom.xml=./custom.xml
      3. In the CR, set the bastudio_configuration.custom_secret_name property, as shown in this example snippet.
              custom_secret_name: custom-liberty-xml-secret
  2. You can also modify Business Automation Studio Workflow Authoring configuration properties in a 100Custom.xml file. To modify 100Custom.xml configuration properties, add an XML snippet in the custom resource file in the bastudio_configuration.bastudio_custom_xml property similar to the following example. For details about creating a valid 100Custom.xml structure, see Creating a 100Custom.xml configuration file.
          bastudio_custom_xml: |+
      	      <!-- General IBM Business Automation Workflow settings -->
  3. After you modify the CR file, you must update your deployment to have it take effect. Follow the instructions in Updating script-installed deployments.
  4. When you are making a Liberty customization, check that the server pod picks up the changes after it restarts. After the reconciliation takes effect (which usually takes 30 minutes to an hour, but can take longer), the XML file can be found at this location inside the pod.
    cd /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/shared/resources/sensitive-custom/
  5. To verify the 100Custom.xml settings, check for the files on the server pods. For more information, see Location of 100Custom.xml configuration files.