Types of deployment and installation steps

You need to know the types of environments on which you can install Cloud Pak for Business Automation and the steps involved in installing Cloud Pak for Business Automation.

Types of deployment

You can install the Cloud Pak for Business Automation capabilities on the following environments.
  • Starter deployment - A deployment that is intended for demonstration and evaluation purposes. For more information, see Installing starter deployments.
  • Production deployment - You can install multiple patterns and capabilities by using the Cloud Pak for Business Automation operator. You can use the deployment scripts and the Managed Red Hat OpenShift Kubernetes Service (ROKS) user interface. For more information, see Installing production deployments.

Steps involved in installation

Follow the four-step process to install Cloud Pak for Business Automation.

The following progress bar shows you the installation approach for a production deployment. The completed parts are highlighted at the beginning of each step, and provide a way for you to go back and check that everything is done before you start the next step.

Progress bar = Install Planning for a production deployment Preparing for a production deployment Creating a production deployment Completing post-deployment tasks

The following tasks must be done in the correct order.

  1. Planning (plan)

    Understand the software requirements that you want to install and the sizing needs that it has on your environment.

    For more information, see Planning.

  2. Preparing (prepare)

    Identify the platform infrastructure and system resources that your chosen capabilities need. Set up storage and security for the automation containers.

    For more information, see Preparing.

  3. Installing

    Follow the guidance to install and configure the Platform Foundation and the Cloud Pak capabilities. You can run the deployment script to help you install the software, or you can use the IBM catalogs in the OperatorHub of the OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) console.

    For more information, see Installing.

  4. Post-install

    Complete any post-installation steps that are needed, and open the application web interfaces to verify a successful installation.

    For more information, see Completing post-installation tasks.