Adding and selecting roles

A role defines and groups caseworkers by the type of work that they do. You can associate roles with steps in the tasks of a solution.

About this task

You can add roles to a new solution by using the solution wizard or by using the solution home page. If you add roles to a new solution by using the solution wizard, each role is assigned a default personal in-basket and a role in-basket. To add or associate other in-baskets with a role, complete the wizard and open the solution.


To add a role from the solution home page:

  1. In the Roles page of the solution home page, click Add Role.
  2. Specify a role name and optionally a description.
    The role name must be 55 characters or less and it cannot start with the tilde (~) special character. The role name cannot use the same name as a task in the same solution.
  3. Select the type of personal in-basket and the user features to display for the role in Case Client. For more information, see Configuring in-baskets for roles.
  4. Optional: To assign a manager to your role, from the Manager for this role list, select the role that you want to designate as a manager.
    The members of the manager team will be able to manage the work of your case team.
  5. On the Pages tab, assign the solution page for the role, then click OK.
  6. Configure the in-baskets for the role.
  7. Associate the role with task steps by adding a step and assigning it to a role in the Step Designer.
    Tip: You can also manage roles from the Case Client. For more information, see Managing access to cases.

What to do next

After you add roles, you can deploy the solution to the development environment and test the roles by adding users or groups.