GET /rest/bpm/wle/v1/processAppSettings[?snapshotId={string}][&branchId={string}]
or branchId
parameter is specified, that specific snapshot is used, and the branchId
parameter is ignored.branchId
parameter is specified, the tip (current) snapshot of the specified branch (track) is used.
Name | Value Type | Description |
snapshotId | string | The identifier of the snapshot associated with the project application settings. You must set one of the
snapshotId or branchId parameters. |
branchId | string | The identifier of the branch associated with the project application settings. You must set one of the
snapshotId or branchId parameters. |
The default content type is application/json.
{ "status":"200", "data":{ "projDefaults":{ "projectDefaultsId":{"type": "string"}, "defaultXsl":{"type": "string", "description": "The name of the default CoachDesigner XSL."}, "defaultXslRef":{"type": "string", "description": "The reference ID of the default CoachDesigner XSL."}, "name":{"type": "string"}, "acronym":{"type": "string", "description": "The short name of the project."}, "isIidOptimized":{"type": "boolean", "description": "Indicates whether to optimize settings for use with IBM Integration Designer."} }, "projDeps": {"type": "[object]", "description": "The list of the toolkits that this project depends on.", [ { "projectId":{"type": "string", "description": "The ID of the toolkit project."}, "projectName":{"type": "string", "description": "The name of the toolkit project."}, "snapshotId":{"type": "string", "description": "The ID of the snapshot in the toolkit that this project depends on."}, "snapshotName":{"type": "string", "description": "The name of the snapshot."} } ] }, "envVars": {"type": "[object]", "description": "The list of the environment variables defined in this project.", [ { "name":{"type": "string", "description": "The name of the variable key."}, "varDefaults": [ { "type":{"type": "string", "description": "The type of the variable.", "enum": [ "development", "test", "staging", "production" ] }, "value":{"type": "string", "description": "The value."} } ], "default":{"type": "string", "description": "The default value."}, } ] } } }
{ "status":"200", "data":{ "projDefaults":{ "projectDefaultsId":"63.4f12afdb-4ee4-4e74-b053-305c70e3a7b2", "defaultXsl":"CoachDesigner.xsl", "defaultXslRef":"7692552a-ea18-49ce-bd93-a1dd62100cd9/61.140920b1-a53c-4d72-b6bb-60776f49f7f2", "name":"Process App Settings", "acronym":"HSS", "isIidOptimized":false }, "projDeps":[{ "projectId":"2066.1b351583-e5cb-43b7-baee-340a63130ea7", "projectName":"System Data", "snapshotId":"2064.74f9ea10-a351-4c42-ada5-b3dce7145330", "snapshotName":"7.5.1" }, { "projectId":"2066.03167964-4fe5-4611-8ae7-a71c2a4eb9e0", "projectName":"TestToolkit1", "snapshotId":"2064.3adf10fe-7947-43b6-8c96-d0c019b80008", "snapshotName":"v1" } ], "envVars":[{ "name":"var1Key", "varDefaults":[{ "type":"development", "value":"var1Development" }, { "type":"test", "value":"var1Test" }, { "type":"staging", "value":"var1Staging" }, { "type":"production", "value":"var1Production" } ], "default":"var1Default" }, { "name":"var2Key", "varDefaults":[{ "type":"development", "value":"var2Development" }, { "type":"test", "value":"var2Test" } ], "default":"var2Default" }, { "name":"", "default":"" } ] } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <schema targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="unqualified" xmlns="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:pref="" xmlns:cmn=""> <import schemaLocation="Common.xsd" namespace=""/> <import schemaLocation="BPMRestData.xsd" namespace=""/> <complexType name="ProcessAppSettings"> <complexContent> <extension base="pref:Data"> <sequence> <element name="projDefaults" type="tns:ProjDefaults"/> <element name="projDeps" type="tns:ProjDependency" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <element name="envVars" type="tns:EnvVar" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </sequence> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType> <complexType name="ProjDefaults"> <complexContent> <extension base="pref:Data"> <sequence> <element name="projectDefaultsId" type="string"/> <element name="defaultXsl" type="string"/> <element name="defaultXslRef" type="string"/> <element name="defaultCss" type="string"/> <element name="defaultCssRef" type="string"/> <element name="name" type="string"/> <element name="acronym" type="string"/> <element name="desc" type="string"/> <element name="richDesc" type="string"/> <element name="isIidOptimized" type="boolean"/> <element name="namespace" type="string"/> <element name="targetEnvironment" type="string"/> </sequence> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType> <complexType name="ProjDependency"> <complexContent> <extension base="pref:Data"> <sequence> <element name="projectId" type="string"/> <element name="projectName" type="string"/> <element name="snapshotId" type="string"/> <element name="snapshotName" type="string"/> <element name="projDeps" type="tns:ProjDependency" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <element name="depId" type="string"/> </sequence> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType> <complexType name="EnvVar"> <complexContent> <extension base="pref:Data"> <sequence> <element name="name" type="string"/> <element name="default" type="string"/> <element name="varDefaults" type="tns:EnvVarDefault" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </sequence> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType> <complexType name="EnvVarDefault"> <sequence> <element name="type" type="string"/> <element name="value" type="string"/> </sequence> </complexType> </schema>
The default content type is application/json.
{ "description": "WLE Error Response", "type": "object", "properties": { "status": {"type": "string", "description": "The status of the previous API call." }, "exceptionType": {"type": "string", "description": "The classname associated with the exception." }, "errorNumber": {"type": "string", "description": "Message ID of the exception." }, "errorMessage": {"type": "string", "description": "Message text of the exception." }, "errorMessageParameters": {"type": ["string"], "optional": true, "description":"Message text parameters of the exception." }, "programmersDetails": {"type": "object", "optional": true, "description":"Additional exception details, for example, a stack trace." } } }
Code | Description |
200 OK | Success completion. |
400 Bad Request | The parameters are not valid or they are missing. |
401 Unauthorized | The caller is not authorized for this request. |
404 Not Found | The project application settings do not exist.
406 Not Acceptable | The requested content type or content encoding is not supported. |
500 Internal Server Error | A severe problem has occurred, programmer's details are provided. |
Parent Topic: Project Application Settings Resource