Troubleshooting errors from running client-side human services

Errors that occur when client-side human services run on the client side are logged to the browser console. The browser console provides the error type, the location of the error, and the line number.

If the diagnostic information in the browser console is insufficient, check the log and trace information in the SystemOut.log and trace.log files, and contact your system administrator for extra help. Depending on what error occurred, the system administrator can take different approaches to help resolve the error.

The following table describes some of the common errors that you might encounter while running client-side human services in the web browser.
Table 1. Common error messages for client-side execution of client-side human services
Error type Error message examples Description
System error Error: The engine encountered an unrecoverable error. Contact your system administrator. A JavaScript error occurred. The system administrator can enable tracing and check the browser console for additional information.
Model loading error
  • Error: The \"${MODEL_ID}\" model from the \"${BRANCH_ID}\" branch could not be loaded. Contact your system administrator.
  • Error: The \"${MODEL_ID}\" model with the \"${SNAPSHOT_ID}\" snapshot ID could not be loaded. Contact your system administrator.
The specified model could not be loaded from the repository. The system administrator must verify that the specified model values are correct and that the model is present in the repository.
Model validation error
  • Error: The \"${MODEL_ID}\" model in the \"${BRANCH_ID}\" branch contains no start nodes. Correct the model and try again.
  • Error: The \"${MODEL_ID}\" model with the \"${SNAPSHOT_ID}\" snapshot ID contains no start nodes. Correct the model and try again.
  • Error: The \"${MODEL_ID}\" model in the \"${BRANCH_ID}\" branch is invalid because it does not contain the \"${ELEMENT_NAME}\" element. Correct the model and try again.
  • Error: The \"${MODEL_ID}\" model with the \"${SNAPSHOT_ID}\" snapshot ID is invalid because it does not contain the \"${ELEMENT_NAME}\" element. Correct the model and try again.
The model is incorrect. Ensure that the model is syntactically correct.
HTTP error
  • Server Error (401): Insufficient credentials to access the URL \"${URL}\". Verify that you have sufficient authorization to access the specified URL.
  • Server Error (404): The system was unable to access the URL \"${URL}\". Contact your system administrator to ensure that the server is running.
  • The server responded with an error code ${STATUS} when accessing the URL \"${URL}\". Contact your system administrator.
The server returned an error. The system administrator must adjust the troubleshooting approach based on the specific content of the error message.

Certificate errors and the client-side human services playback

Signer certificate errors might occur when you use HTTPs but have not imported your signer certificates. This may lead to inconsistent playback behavior. To avoid certificate errors in the browser and ensure an error-free environment for your playback sessions, import the signer certificates before proceeding with the playback. Check with your administrator for instructions on how to import the signer certificates.