Running and debugging client-side human services in the Inspector

Run your client-side human service to see whether it performs as expected. If errors occur, you can use the debugger to examine each step in the client-side human service.

About this task

While the client-side human service runs, a playback window shows the running client-side human service. For coaches, the playback window shows the rendering of the coach so that you can complete the coach and move to the next step in the flow.

Using the Inspector, you can incrementally step through the activities in your client-side human service so that you can observe how the client-side human service behaves as it runs. The Inspector pauses the execution of the service before each step and displays the variable values at each point.

Important: Because the playback window opens as a pop-up window, you might receive an error message if your web browser is configured to block pop-ups. Before you proceed with the debugging session, configure your browser to allow pop-ups from the host that your Business Automation Studio is installed on.
To run a client-side human service, follow these steps:


  1. Open the client-side human service that you want to run.
  2. Click Run Run in the upper right of the toolbar.
    The playback window opens, showing the running client-side human service.
  3. If the running activity is a coach, the playback window shows the coach. Complete the coach and trigger the boundary event to transition out of the coach and move to the next step in the flow.
    If the client-side human service completed successfully, you see a message in the playback window.

Debugging client-side human services

About this task

If your client-side human service does not behave as you expected, you can use the debugging capability to identify which step is at fault. The error message is displayed in the playback window and on the sidebar in the Inspector. You can set breakpoints to pause the flow so that you can investigate an error or unexpected result. See Debugging flows by using breakpoints.


To debug a client-side human service, follow these steps:

  1. Click Debug Debug in the upper right of the toolbar.
    The Inspector opens in the browser window, pausing on the first step after the Start event.
  2. Examine the variable values to determine whether they are expected. When you are ready to move on to the next activity in the client-side human service, click Step Over Step Over.
  3. If this activity is a coach, the playback window shows the rendering of the coach. Complete the coach and trigger the boundary event to transition out of the coach. The Inspector moves to the next step in the flow.
    As the execution progresses, the followed path is highlighted and color-coded indicators are added to the client-side human service diagram to mark the progress in the execution.
  4. If errors occur while running the coach, use the Step into action to debug the coach:
    1. Ensure that the playback window is open. Click Show window Show window to open it if it is not already open.
    2. Click Step into Step into to pause the execution flow before the coach is run.
      Tip: If you are interested in the execution state at a particular step and don't want to follow the progress of the execution up to that step, you can use breakpoints. This saves you from pressing Step into or Step over several times. See Debugging flows by using breakpoints.
    3. Go step by step through the code to observe how it behaves and identify any errors.
    When the coach completes successfully, the execution moves to the next step in the flow.
  5. Repeat steps 2 - 4 until you complete the client-side human service. You can click Run and stop on breakpoint to continue the debugging session until an enabled breakpoint is encountered or the service terminates. Alternatively, you can click Terminate Terminate to cancel the debugging session before the client-side human service reaches the end.
  6. When you're done, or you want to edit the client-side human service, click "Inspector mode" icon in the status bar.