Example: Reusing a nested client-side human service

This example shows how you can build a nested client-side human service and reuse it in a root client-side human service.

About this task

Assume that you want to augment an Order Confirmation task with a step to change the shipping address. As a developer, you might want to define a nested client-side human service for the Change Address step, which you could reuse in other tasks that are part of a more complex order form.

The following example shows you how to build the nested client-side human service for the Change Address step and how to insert the nested client-side human service into the root client-side human service for the Order Confirmation. For simplicity, let's assume that the root client-side human service for the Order Confirmation task already exists.

Build the nested client-side human service


To build the nested client-side human service:

  1. Open the workflow automation in the designer view that contains the root client-side human service.
    In this example, the workflow automation is called Order Confirmation.
  2. Click the plus sign (+) next to User Interface, then click New > Client-Side Human Service and complete the wizard.
    1. Enter the name of the nested client-side human service: Change Address.
    2. Select Intended for use on multiple devices to specify that you want the new client-side human service to be used on multiple device types.
      When Intended for use on multiple devices is selected, responsive views are used for all the new pages and page content that is added to the client-side human service.
  3. Select Use as a nested service to specify that this is a nested client-side human service that can be reused in other client-side human services.
    The creation wizard for the Change Address client-side human service shows that both Use as a nested service and Intended for use on multiple devices are selected.
  4. Click Finish. The client-side human service opens in the web editor.
    The default nested service diagram consists of a start node that is wired to a page, which in turn is wired to an end node.
    The page in the diagram has a button that provides the boundary event that you can use to wire the page to the end node. You can use the default button or you can replace it.
    1. Switch to Overview, and verify that the Usage options are correctly set for a nested service:
      • Nested service is selected
      • Use as and Expose to start are disabled
    2. To perform a client-side validation of the page contents or to control a button enablement through a conditional variable, you can add a Data Change script similar to the following example:
      Screen capture to show the script editor and the diagram view of the Change Address nested client-side human service.
  5. Click the plus sign (+) next to Data, then click New > Business Object and complete the wizard to create an Address business object with the following parameters:
    The Address business object contains two parameters: Street (String) and City (String).
  6. In the nested service diagram, add more pages and elements and wire them together to create the logic for the nested service.
    For example, the diagram for the Change Address nested service can include the following steps:
    The diagram for the Change Address nested client-side human service can include a start node, a Change Address page, a Verify Address service, and an end node.
  7. In the Variables view, add input variables to support the nested service.
    Under Input, the variables list shows address and shipToSame.
    Tip: Optionally, if you have environment variables or exposed process values (EPVs) that you want to use in your client-side human service, link them to the client-side human service in the Variables view.
    A city environment variable on the list for the nested service.
  8. Switch to Pages, and create the user interfaces by adding variables to the canvas.
  9. Click Save or Finish Editing.
  10. To run the client-side human service in the web browser, click Run Run.


The Change Address service is added to the list of client-side human services that are available for nesting.

Nest the reusable client-side human service


To insert the nested client-side human service in the root client-side human service for reuse:

  1. Open the workflow automation in the designer view that contains the root client-side human service.
  2. Click User Interface and open the Order Confirmation root client-side human service.
  3. Switch to Overview, and set the following usage options:
    • Ensure that Nested service is clear.
    • From the Use as list, specify the type of usage for the root service by selecting one of the available options: Task (Service contained in a process), Startable Service (Launched from Workplace), Dashboard (Available in Workplace), URL (Available from a URL), or Instance details UI for a process. Note that the Use as option is disabled for nested client-side human services.
  4. In the Diagram view, add the nested client-side human service Nested client-side human service tool to the canvas and wire it in your diagram.
  5. Open the nested service node properties. Under Implementation, under Behavior, click Select next to Nest a client-side human service and, from the list of client-side human services, select Change Address.
    The diagram shows a root client-side human service called Order Confirmation that contains a nested client-side human service called Change Address. The root service contains a start event, a Create Order page, a nested client-side human service called Change Address, and an end event. In the diagram, the nested service is inserted between the page and the end event.
  6. Switch to the Variables view of the root service, and use data mapping to initialize the shipToSame variable in the nested service:
    1. Select the activity for the nested service and open its Data Mapping properties.
    2. Under Input Mapping, use the picker to select the shipToAddress root variable that will be mapped to the shipToSame variable in the nested service.
    3. Repeat sub-step b to map the address root variable to the address variable in the nested service.
      Under Input Mapping, select the shipToAddress root variable that you want to map to the shipToSame variable in the nested service.
    4. Optional: Alternatively, if you want the data mapping to be done automatically, click the auto-map icon Auto-map icon to automatically map all the input or output nested variables that do not have a mapping to input variables of the same name and data type in the root service. Existing mappings are not replaced.
      Tip: Note the input and output icons that precede the variable names. The icons indicate visually which variables are expected to have values at the start (input variables) and which variables are expected to have meaningful values at the end (output variables).
  7. Optional: If you want to synchronize the customer's shipping and billing addresses as part of your Create Order page, add a post-execution script to the page, which can be similar to the JavaScript code in the following example. The post-execution script runs immediately after the execution of the page completes and synchronizes the two addresses.
    Screen capture to show the Create Order page in the Diagram view, and the Post-Execution Script next to the Pre-Execution Script.

    After you assigned the post-execution script to the page, the page node in the diagram view displays a circular indicator on the right side (post-execution).

  8. Click Save or Finish Editing.
  9. To run the root client-side human service, click Run Run.
    The nested service runs as part of the root service.