Enabling tasks to be reassigned at run time

As the author of a client-side human service, you can add implementation logic to your service to enable Workplace users to reassign tasks at run time.

About this task

You can trigger the task reassignment through a server-side call from the client-side human service. The server-side call can be either a server-side JavaScript API or a Modify Task call on the server. After triggering the reassign, you can add further client-side logic to improve the user experience, for example, a coach to show a message, and a postpone event or an end event to go back to the task list in Workplace.
  • If the client-side logic includes a postpone event, the current user can use the navigation options of the postpone event to return to the task list or to a different user interface when he is done working with the task.
    The current user, who no longer owns the task, cannot manipulate the state or data associated with the task, therefore no data save is performed after the postpone event. When the service execution reaches the postpone event, one of the following actions occurs:
    • If the task is not claimed when the postpone event is executed, the new owner resumes the task at the node that follows the postpone event.
    • If the task is already claimed when the postpone event is executed, the new owner resumes the task at the last save point prior to the task reassignment.
    Restriction: To maintain data integrity, the last data save must occur within the same client-side human service as the postpone event, otherwise the new task owner would not be able to resume the task.
  • If the client-side logic includes an end event, the end event ends the flow for the current user, but does not end the task and does not perform any data save either. When claimed by the next owner, the task is resumed at the last save point, which is located before the last service call.
Any service calls or configured saves that are made after the task reassignment will result in a BPMTaskOwnerError. For more information, see Catching errors by using error event handlers.

The following procedure is provided as an implementation example for a task reassignment. You can use a different implementation to meet your business needs.


To enable users to reassign a task:

  1. Open the appropriate workflow automation.
  2. Create a general system service for the task reassignment:
    1. Click the plus sign (+) next to Implementation, and create a general system service.
    2. Add a server script to the service and connect it to the start and end events.
    3. In the Implementation properties of the server script, enter the JavaScript code that includes the logic for task reassignment. For example, tw.system.currentTask.reassignBackToRole();.
  3. Open the client-side human service that you want to work with.
  4. In the Diagram view, add the service node for task reassignment.
    For example, the service can be implemented as a general system service, but the implementation can use any service type that can be called from a service node.
  5. In the Behavior implementation properties of the service, select Call a service, and then specify the general system service that you created earlier.
  6. Add an event Intermediate Event tool to the diagram.
    The default implementation is a stay-on-page event.
  7. Convert the stay-on-page event into a postpone event and configure it:
    1. Select the stay-on-page event and, in its implementation properties, under Event Type, select Postpone Postpone Event.
      Tip: If the postpone option is not available, switch to Overview and check the Use as setting of the client-side human service. The postpone event takes effect when you selected Task (Service contained in a process).
    2. In the diagram, connect the postpone event to the node where you want the task work to be postponed, and add an outgoing connection from the postpone event to the node where you want work to be resumed by the new task owner.
    3. In the Implementation properties, under Event Navigation, specify a navigation option for the postpone event, which determines what the user will see after the service is postponed.
      You can choose between Default (behavior provided by the hosting UI), Go to the instance details UI, or Go to a specified URL.
      Tip: Navigation occurs only if the hosting user interface provides navigation support.
  8. In the Diagram view, add another stay-on-page event to the diagram, and connect it to the postpone event in the subflow that contains the service node for task reassignment.
  9. Click Save or Finish Editing.