Enabling or disabling logging for terminating or deleting process instances

New messages are logged for terminating or deleting process instances. The message logging is enabled by default, and can be disabled by changing a configuration flag.
Important: The new messages occur only on production systems.
When a process instance is terminated by using either one of the following APIs, a log message is added to SystemOut.log to specify who terminated the instance and what approach was used to terminate it.
  • REST API (including PAC Process Inspector)
  • JavaScript API
  • Web service API
The following is an example of a message log added for a terminated process instance:
[12/02/19 16:57:02:072 EST] 00000148 BPDEngineUtil I   CWTDM0191I: The process instance with InstanceId: 162 was 
terminated by User: tw_admin from REST API.
Similarly, when a process instance is deleted by using either one of the following options, a log message is added to SystemOut.log to indicate who deleted the instance and what approach was used to delete it.
  • REST API (including PAC Process Inspector)
  • WSAdmin command

Enabling or disabling logging

To enable or disable the message logging, modify the configuration of the 100custom.xml file. For example:
      <log-terminate-delete-instances merge="replace">false</log-terminate-delete-instances>
For more information, see Creating a 100Custom.xml configuration file.

For more information about the actions that are available in the Process Inspector, see Actions in the Process Inspector.