Workflow automation services

Workflows can be published as automation services so that they can be discovered and reused.

The following diagram shows the high-level flow for creating and reusing workflow automations.

High-level flow diagram that illustrates the life cycle of an automation service. Creating a workflow automation Providing workflow automation services Providing workflow automation services Installing workflow automations and automation services Calling an automation service from a workflow automation Calling an automation service from a workflow automation
  1. Create: The developer creates the artifacts for the workflow automation in the designer. See Creating a workflow automation.
  2. Expose: The developer enables the workflow automation to be reused by exposing its business functions through REST service operations. See Providing workflow automation services.
  3. Publish: The developer publishes the workflow automation so that it can be discovered and reused. See Providing workflow automation services.
  4. Install: The administrator installs a version of the workflow to a production server. See Installing workflow automations and automation services.
  5. Discover: Other developers or business analysts review the Published automation services list to discover reusable workflow services. See Calling an automation service from a workflow automation.
  6. Reuse: Developers and business analysts can reuse the automation service by implementing a service task in a service flow and selecting the operations that they want use. See Calling an automation service from a workflow automation.