Adding notes to client-side human services

To provide additional textual information to your client-side human service, you can add notes to the diagram by using the Note tool.

About this task

You can add reminders, development notes, or information that is relevant to a specified step in the diagram. The notes can be added as stand-alone objects to the canvas or can be connected to specified nodes in the diagram. If connected, a note can be linked to only one node in the diagram, and viceversa; multiple connections are not allowed. Regardless of whether they are connected or not, notes are saved as part of the client-side human service configuration.


To add a note to a client-side human service:

  1. Open the client-side human service you want to work with.
  2. In the Diagram view, use the Note tool Note tool to add a note to the canvas.
  3. Select the note and, under Note > Common, enter or paste the information that you want to include in the note.
    To make the text fit inside the note, drag a corner to resize the note box. If the note is not resized, the overflow text is replaced by an ellipsis.
  4. Optional: If the information is relevant to a specified diagram node, connect the note to that node.
    A dotted connection associates the note with the node. The association is maintained if the node is renamed or moved on the canvas.
  5. Click Save or Finish Editing.